the sofa whisperer and me

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We visited the house only to find Bradley not in Lauren stormed home and I decided home was probably also the best place for me

I woke up the next day to my mother shouting to me from the bottom of the stairs

"Carly come down here your brothers coming home"

"I know he is"

"Well come down stairs then" she shouted


after getting changed into a pair of ripped skinny jeans and throwing on one of my old band muscle tees, i put my hair into a messy bun and rushed downstairs

"about time!. Now" she said nodding her head with the word now "he will be driving back from the airport so we have to be ready"

"ready for what? mum, Tyler's driving a car it'll take him at least 20 minutes to get back"

"get in there with the others"

"oka- sorry what? others?" i asked half laughing to no one in particular

my mother gave me a strange look "Some of Tys olds team mates are in there along with nan and granddad is in the kitchen i think oh and c-"

"Why are they all here?" i replied cutting her off

"Just get in there Carly!" she turned me around pushing me in the direction of the front room


Before i could say anything else my mother pushed past me literally throwing me behind the sofa and telling everyone to "SHUT UP HE'S HERE AND IF ANYONE RUINS THIS SO GOD HELP YOU I'LL SEND YOU STRAIGHT TO HELL" she half whispered half shouted before literally throwing herself on the floor  

she gets quite touchy about things like this.


i turned around to where the whisper had come from  


the door opened  

Everybody including the sofa whisperer and myself jumped up


My 6'5" brother just laughed and scratched the back of his neck he's never liked the surprise parties my mother threw for him.. I never got why he felt so awkward at least she bothered throwing him a party. not that i'm bitter or anything, just might've been nice to be made a fuss of once in a while

Tyler walked over to me, he was wearing a pair of grey Nike joggers, a white tshirt and some ridiculous cardigan

"hey, sis" he said pushing me


"you look different"

"so do you, did you grow an extra brain cell whilst you were away? and what is that cardigan" i replied sarcastically

He just replied with a sarcastic laugh before walking off to greet my mother who was currently pushing teenagers out of the way to get to Tyler

I walked out of the room and went kitchen which is currently lavished with the finest party foods known to man I saw my grandad sitting at the table

"grandad?" it came out as more of a question than a statement

He turned his head to me and smiled reaching his arms out gesturing for a hug, I practically ran to my grandad throwing my arms around him. I've always got on with my grandad we're interested in the same things,  I prefer his generation of music to my own which you could debate given my effortless dance routines and loud out of tune singing to cheesy pop songs..

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