Even now, he's still ruining things.

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"It's stopped because I love you, and I'm so sorry. I'm not supposed to love you but I can't help it. The feelings supposed to get stronger but yours have disappeared and I thought it was because you're not a full... you know. But its not" He bowed his head down resting it in his hands 

"Why can't I feel it?" I was confused, It wasn't like this was a serious relationship. We've only known each other properly (if you can even call it that) for a little bit but i was curious, i wanted to know why i didn't feel something i had once felt so strongly 

He didn't answer me he just kept his head bowed down


He finally raised his head, he looked weak

"Because of him"

It took a moment before realization hit me  

"My dad?"

"Yeah" he whispered

"He's dead, how can this be his fault?" i was getting more annoyed by the second 

"Because this was his"

"What was his? What are you talking about?"

"Because he was evil" he said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world

"Get out" I pushed him towards the door

"Carly" his tone softened 

I just unlocked the door and tried to push him out but he didn't move

"Please leave me alone" and that's just what he did he walked down the stairs and out of the front door

I rubbed my eyes and walked down the stairs to find my brother eyeing me from the bottom of them  

"Why was he in such a hurry?"

"Why do you feel the need to get involved?" I pushed past him and walked into the living room

The sofa on the left had Lauren and Bradley, my mum was sat on the opposite one. Far too late to back out of this situation now.

"So, Mrs. Johnson" Bradley spoke

"My last names not Johnson, its Renee"

"Sorry, Mrs?"

"Ms" she replied hissing the s

"Ms Renee, you have a lovely home" he tried reasoning

"I know" apparently there was no room for reasoning

The room fell silent; an awkwardness that couldn't be described filled the room. The tension could be cut with a knife.

Minutes that felt like an hour passed and then mum left and walked up the stairs that could be seen from the living room without acknowledging any of us...

"I think you should leave" I spoke

"Carly" Lauren spoke but I cut her off

"Just go" walked out of the room and up the stairs and back into my room

I heard them leaving and then someone walking up the stairs

"Carly, I know you know" he walked into my room closing the door behind him


He pulled out the chair from under my dresser

"Don't play dumb, why do you think mum was so hostile"

I sat up on my bed and turned to face him, my back leaning against the wall

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Mum made me promise not to"

"Is that why you left?"

"I left because I have a mate"

"We all have mates Colton, everyone has them"

"I don't mean a friend Carly" boom hello again realization

"Are you married?"

"No" he laughed

"I was about to ask you why i wasnt invited - rude"

"Having a mate is kind of like marriage, except in werewolf form"

"But you're not a werewolf"

"No, I'm not a full werewolf just like you"

"I don't know what to think anymore"

"Having a mate is stronger than love, it's indescribable"

"Why have you never said anything"

"I didnt want to hurt mum, her view on things like that are tainted by him"

"How do you know she's your mate?" I tried changing the subject 

"I just know" he sounded sure of himself "It's like what you feel with Colton but you can never be anything more with him"

"Why not?" I was beginning to feel annoyed; of course I wasnt allowed to do anything

"Because it's the same pack he was in, dad that is. When such evil affects a pack it takes centuries for it to recover, you're too close to the evil for it not to affect you"

"How are you not effected?"

"Because my mates from a different pack, the pack are nothing to do with the evil"

I tried to change the subject, i wanted information and starting a fight wasnt going to get me that 

"He's in love with you; he's admitted it so people are trying to stop it" he continued 


"I've told you why, they dont want us. Why do you think we live here and not closer. We had a rich heritage but because of him its all gone"

"Why do you keep referring to him as evil?"

"Because that's what he is and because of him we're not allowed to be a normal family he has ruined us, and he's still ruining things now, even now Carly! He's dead and he's still ruining our lives" his voice got progressively louder as he stood up and hit the dresser 

Mum opened the door  

"Get out" she shouted, he walked out. A few seconds later he slammed the door to his room and the entire place felt like it shook

"I'm sorry" That's the only thing she said before turning around and walking to her own room.    

My phone chimed and the screen lit up with Lauren's name

I ignored it, mainly because I didn't know what to say to my best friend who has a werewolf boyfriend. There are no cards for things like that, a gap in the market maybe? Probably not the time to be thinking about setting up a card business for werewolves.


FYI this isnt completely proof read but i just wanted to upload something because...

It is now half term so i wanted to write more for you, if i wrote another story would you read it? plus i only have to leave the house once to go to the fracture clinic (im an idiot who trips over her own pyjama leg and breaks her foot). I'm going to be writing a lot more so hopefully you'll enjoy!

Chloe x

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