How do they even bounce that high?

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Carly's POV

"Imagine living like a king someday
A single night without a ghost in the walls
And if the bass shakes the earth underground
We'll start a new revolution now"

I sung as I danced around my room trying to get ready, but screaming lyrics whilst trying to put on skinny jeans isn't very easy.
Running straighteners through the ends of my hair I sat down In front of the mirror pulling out the foundation and pink sponge from the spotty blue and white makeup bag. 

It was nearly 8 when I was finally finished getting all of my stuff together and having breakfast.
I rushed out of the door PE kit in an extra bag making everything ridiculously heavy.
The big game is at the end of the week meaning this week would revolve around sweaty boys running around throwing a ball about. how fun.

All though I've never been the sportiest that didn't stop my brother being the last high school big shot basketball star oh and did i mention my mums a personal trainer and my father used to be the coach of the big state basketball team? yeah well apparently none of these things are hereditary much to my mothers dismay.

After registration we were whisked away to the changing rooms, I threw my hair up into a messy bun and got changed into a pair of sports leggings and a baggy white vest top. I also have on the Nike running trainers my mother bought for me, she had high hopes that i'd be the next head cheerleader.

I can't help but think she's disappointed with me every time she sees me reading a book instead of doing sports or bringing home a boyfriend.. but if you do what you love you'll never be disappointed, even if you fail you'll always be able to hold onto the fact that you did what you loved and it just didn't work? I wonder if this is why so many couples break up

Apparently we had to take part in a sport and because i'm not the loudest of people i ended up with basketball, the other girls didn't look too happy at the fact that i had been chosen to run around with the basketball team.

So yeah, we were well i was attempting to play basketball but the room was full of wannabe basketball stars, quiet boys who's sport had been chosen for them, the whole basketball team and Colton yes Colton

how did this even happen?

"eh heads up" shouted a random voice from behind me, i turned around and just like that i was on the floor.
How do they even bounce that high.

*Colton's POV*

And just like that Carly was on the floor and my actions were acting before i could think, again.
"Carly, hey are you okay" i asked as she stayed on the floor hands on her face
"here let me help you up" she took her hands away from her face revealing the bruise that was already starting to form
"jesus Christ" i muttered under my breath
"is it that bad" she scoffed


People began to gather around and breathing started to become difficult, one of the players with dark brown hair and a number of scars could see my difficulty "just breathe in through your nose" he said making it seem like it was the easiest thing known to man.
So i did breathe in and carried on breathing in until someone shouted "oh my- EXHALE.. idiot"
I probably should've known that, its not like i haven't been breathing for the past 17 years.

The whistle was blown and everyone filed out of the hall, Colton didn't even say bye as he walked away laughing, probably about me no doubt
"Carly" i turned around to see Bradley- Lauren's boyfriend standing in front of me with his hand held out "well are you going to let me help you up or not" he laughed.

"oh yeah" i gripped his hand and he hauled me up
"should probably get some ice on that bruise" he said looking concerned
"oh its fine, i'll just use some extra foundation"
"look, don't take what they say to heart. They're all testosterone and hair gel"
"and you're not"
he laughed at the comment
"but seriously Carly"
"don't worry about it, I'm used to it"
"You shouldn't have to take that, Lauren said Colton walked you home"
I knew she wouldn't be able to keep her mouth shut
"long story, gotta go" i said walking backwards before turning and half running, nearly straight into the large double doors. I heard Bradley laugh to himself before turning on his heel and walking back to the boys changing rooms.

Walking back into the changing rooms everyone had gone except for a few girls from chemistry who i smiled at before noticing Lauren.
"hey babes" she said completely unaware of the bruise forming on my face or the death glare i was currently giving her
"oh my god, you look awful what happened to your face"
"oh thanks best friend"
"sorry" she half whispered biting her lip and fiddling with her long blonde hair
"Carly" she smiled
"why did you tell Bradley?" i whispered so the other girls wouldn't hear
"about" but before i had time to reply it clicked "we're in a relationship, we tell each other everything. It felt wrong not telling him and anyway he didn't tell anyone about that crush yo-"
"LAUREN" i hushed her before smiling at the girls who sat across from us

"oh chill out Carly, honestly" she said hitting my nose lightly with her first perfectly manicured finger
"now go get dressed because you my little amigo" she laughed "you are sitting with me and Bradley at lunch today"

"oh fun fun fun"
she scowled at me picking up the nearest object and throwing them at me, i pulled my skinny jeans off of my head before going to get changed.

We walked to the canteen and took a seat on one of the benches with Bradley and the rest of the basketball team as well as the other 'populars'.
"YO CARLY, HEADS UP" before i had a chance to react the can that had been thrown at me was caught by Colton and thrown back at the offender.
"erm thanks"
"no problem, now you gonna move up and let me sit down or?"
"oh yeah sure" i said scooting up allowing him a place to sit down


Thanks for reading don't forget to leave me a comment or vote :)

Chloe xx

The Jocks mate is the school nerdDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora