The party to end all parties

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The big game marked the middle of the term meaning it was now the half term holiday.
Lauren and I spent last night laughing and just generally catching up on nothing in particular.

We- well she had decided that we were both going to have a makeover day.
Lauren gets a lot of money from her parents because their barely ever home, both are constantly away on business trips and as a result she's insisted on kissing the magic card and paying for both of us.

Our first stop was the hairdressers where I had my hair restyled with some long layers, lowlights and a curly blowdry with a ludicrous amount of volume. Lauren had her roots touched up and decided on a full fringe.

We spent the rest of the day laughing and shopping for everything from party dresses to gym wear.. because i'm such a gym bunny *insert exasperated sigh here*

By the time we were done it was 5pm and I felt really confident in myself. They say confidence should come from within but a couple of lowlights and getting your nails done aint never hurt nobody..
We decided on going back to mine where my mother gushed over my new look.

Apparently Bradley had invited both Lauren and I to a 'party to end all parties' basically meaning they were all going to get drunk because they didn't win anything and I was going to have to find a better excuse not to go than homework.
Lauren obviously had planned the entire thing and now that I had clothes and my hair done the excuse that 'I have nothing to wear' was not going to fly.

"it will be fun" Lauren nagged trying to reason with me

"so is reading a book"

"oh come on Carls you never come to parties with me"

"well im never invited to any for a starters"

"well if you actually talked to people" she muttered underneath her breath

"ugh" I sighed and walked towards my desk, sitting on the seat

"sorry" she half whispered "i didn't mean that"

"why do you care if I go or not?"

"because you're my best friend Carly" she said getting up off the bean bag and walking up behind me "and you look smoking" she laughed

"and I didn't before" I turned around, hand on chest pretending to be hurt
we both laughed before she forced me to get ready.

it was 9pm and I was currently walking down the stairs in a black t shirt dress, fake garter tights, a chunky gold necklace and black Chelsea boot heels,.
My mother made me and Lauren pose for various photos. It's like she's been waiting for this moment her entire life..

"well time to go" Lauren said in yet again another sing song voice.
"oh have fun girls" my mother said clapping like a seal on acid
"bye" i said smiling before walking out of the front door.

I laughed with Lauren about how excited my mother was. We began the short walk to Bradley's house.

Lauren was wearing a red bodycon with nude heels.

We were across the road from the party when Tom rounded the corner.
"hey ladies"

"oh hi tom, are you going to the party?" Lauren chirped

"Yeah, erm would you mind if i talked to Carly"

"oh of course go ahead" she said smiling a bit too much "see you inside" she turned away from tom winking and mouthing 'what have you been up to'

I tried to get her to stay but my feeble attempts were no use as she spotted Bradley and screamed running across the road nearly getting hit by a car. I rolled my eyes as she started apologising to the driver and ran over to Bradley.

Tom laughed at her, his laugh was infectious and i couldn't help but laugh along.
"Have you done something different with your hair?" tom asked cocking his head to the side

"erm yeah" i said looking down feeling self conscious for no reason at all "just had a cut and some colour" i said fiddling with the ends of my newly styled hair.
"you're cute when you're nervous" he stated
I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks as i tried to hide my face with my hands
He laughed, again causing me to laugh along once more.
"so do you wanna go in"
"oh yeah probably the whole idea hey" i said punching his arm lightly and instantly regretting it.


He just chuckled
"lets go then"
I followed him as we made our way across the road making it safely across unlike Lauren who nearly got herself killed.

The loud music could've been heard from 10 streets away. There were party goers spilling out of the front door into the garden.
We walked into the party and Tom led me into the kitchen.

"you want a drink?" he offered
"what would you like?"
"erm, i'll have the same as you?"
"well if you think you can handle it then by all means"
i smiled at him "wait what?" he didn't hear me and i was left here hoping whatever he was off to get wasn't that bad

People's stares were burning holes into me, i felt like a gazelle in the Serengeti surrounded by hyenas who were ready to pounce.

"COLTY Baby" i heard a whiny voice from in front of me
Colton was on a chair whilst a black haired girl draped herself over him whispering things into his ear, he looked annoyed and rolled his eyes at her comments.
she kept having to readjust her white dress due to the fact that it was riding up every time she so much as breathed.

We locked eyes and he gently pushed the girl off of him, he walked towards me as the girl got annoyed and flopped down into the seat almost instantly passing out.

Tom walked over at this point with a cup of something, he handed it to me
Colton just scoffed and walked away.

"just ignore him" Tom spoke before taking a swig of his drink
i slowly raised the cup to my lips the liquid burning my throat making my face look oh so attractive
He just laughed


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