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Carly's POV

I finally answered the phone to Lauren who convinced me to spend my day with her.
I sat absentmindedly stirring my hot chocolate.

"Carly.. earth to Carly" Lauren said waving her hand in front of my face

"oh sorry"

"why were you ignoring me?"

I just shrugged at her question

"Carly, what's wrong?"

"why were you talking about me?"

"what when?" she played dumb

"yesterday morning, I heard you all talking about me in the kitchen"

"what? I wasn't talking about you! it was the boys. If you would've eavesdropped properly you would've heard me asking what they were talking about"

"oh, Lauren im sorry"

"idiot" she laughed

"why do you think they were talking about me?"

"I don't know"

"i thought you and Bradley talked to each other about everything"

"we do I mean I thought we did"

I looked down at my hot chocolate causing my glasses to steam up. Lauren just laughed at me.

"Tom seems very into you, what did he want when he asked to talk to you?"


"really?" she asked raising eyebrows sceptically

"yes really" I said laughing

"do you think he's hiding something"

"how would I know I've only talked to him twice"

"not Tom, Bradley you idiot"

"oh, why would he be hiding something" i asked her confused

"i don't know, lately he's been really secretive. Him and Colton have been together more than usual it's like their joined at the hip"

"Maybe he's just busy"

"too busy for his girlfriend?" tears rolled down her face as she let her mind wander over something ridiculous probably.

"don't be an idiot Lauren"

"you're supposed to be helping me and you're just insulting me" she said now full on crying in the middle of the coffee shop

"okay maybe we should go"

"why" she half shouted at me making a few people look round "so I can find out my boyfriends a liar and he hates me and I'm an awful human" she stood up

I grabbed her arm pulling her back down into her seat
"people are looking" i said through a gritted smile

"let them look" she slumped back in the large leather seat

I smiled and raised my eyebrows at the old couple who were obviously very amused by the situation.

"lets go" I dragged Lauren out of the shop "you're being overdramatic"

"me?" she half screamed throwing her arms out to her sides like a toddler does during a tantrum

"yes you"  pointing her as I spoke

she pushed my hand away and threw her head back sighing

"come on" I walked ahead of her

"where are we going now?"

I spun around to see that she hadn't moved an inch
"we're going to see if there's any truth in these ludicrous accusations"

"what accusations"

"the ones about your boyfriend"

she scowled at me as I smiled sweetly turning around, I knew it was only a matter of time before she would run after me so I walked away slowly.

I only managed about 5 feet before she was by my side.

"don't look so smug"

I stuck my bottom lip out and continued to walk.


 its short I know

Chloe xx

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