somethings on your mind.

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Chapter 3, enjoy


It's been an entire week since the whole fiasco in the forest, I spent an hour of one of my evenings after school in detention. It was humiliating to say the least.

Thinking back to Tuesday I remembered walking up to my headmistresses door and gently knocking, I heard a come in before I pulled the door towards me only then realising you had to push it. I was met by my headmistresses back, her large grey circular skirt tucked into her also very large underwear.. I couldn't control myself and the laughter took over.
Before I knew what was happening I was issued with a pink slip and told to get out. As I walked out of the room still laughing I bumped into someone but before I could muster the breath needed to apologise they had gone.

Note to self: never laugh at your headmistress, no matter how funny the situation.

I haven't seen Colton since that fateful cold evening. Maybe he was avoiding me, I don't suppose snot bubbles and a fearful stare are the most attractive things on a girl.
Why would I care about what he thought of me though?

*Colton's pov*

Avoiding Carly was my main priority, it was all going so well until she walked out of Mrs.Howell's office laughing. I bumped into her by accident and quickly slipped away around the corner. 
Lauren walked towards her grabbing her arm, dragging her away.

Leaning my head back on the cold concrete wall I breathed I sigh of relief. I knew why I had to avoid her,  he was the reason that I had to avoid her. My pack would never forgive me if I brought them back.

"Colton, man come on we're gonna be late for practice" shouted Bradley who had a quiff any boyband member would be jealous of .
"Yeah, i'm coming" I jogged towards him pushing the side of his head as I ran ahead of him to the gym.

I heard him shout hey as I  pushed open the locker room door. Seconds later I was being pushed in the side by Bradley.
"idiot" he muttered underneath his breath as I laughed at his comment.

"Alright lads, how you doing?"  shouted coach Monk in his thick welsh accent
He dragged over a whiteboard, causing a scraping sound which caused the entire team to groan as coach turned his head around giving each and every one of us a death glare any demon would be proud of.

Taking his pen out he began to drone on about the big game and next week sport workshops that were supposed to get everyone pumped up for the game. This happened every year, the sports teams would hold the workshops and everyone else would hate them and it would cause arguments and certain girls acting dumb so you'd have to hold them oh so closely to show them anything, not that any of the boys have ever complained.

This talk went on for 34 minutes, not that I was counting the minutes on the large mesh covered clock on the wall above the door. The paint that was beginning to peel off the walls showed the original colours  that laid underneath.

We were ushered into the main gym and began warming up. I loved this sport but I couldn't keep my mind on the game, missing easy shots and nearly getting hit in the face a few too many times.

"Colton, get over here" shouted coach
"son" he said in the typical coach like manner, calling everybody son "you've been missing easy shots, you've got the talent lad what's on your mind?"

"it's nothing coach, I just.."
"look lad, you wont be any type of recognition playing like this" and with that he blew his whistle signalling the end of practice.



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