Your Hips

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I Bet that You Look Good on the Dance Floor - Arctic Monkeys

Everyone was dancing at the club they eventually arrived to, Belle, Steve-O, Bam and Dunn bouncing up and down in the centre of the floor Johnny grabbing her hips and pulling her close when their jumping came to a pause. Belle turned around.

"You move so amazingly." His breath was hot against her cheek.

"Not as good as you handsome." She responded, Johnny chuckled and kissing her forehead, both shaking their hips together to the beat. Eventually, when Belle and Johnny become more tired, they went and sat down, Johnny putting his hand on her thigh as he spoke to Ehren on the other side of him.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." She said into Johnny's ear.

"Okay." He let her past and watch her disappear into the crowd.

She went to the toilet and checked her appearance, taking around 3 minutes all together, before coming out of the disgusting toilet for her behind to be smacked by a complete stranger. She span quickly to him, staring her up and down like a piece of raw meat, continuing to try and touch her.

"Go away man!" She forced him away and tried to break the crowd and sit back down with Johnny, however the stranger pressed her up against the wall and tormented her some more, his face pressed up against the side of hers.

"Hey, jackass!"

The insult made the stranger turn around and release Belle, who was snatched into Johnny's arms, standing infront of her and preparing for a fight.

"What will you do about it?" The man snickered, Johnny unexpectedly punching him
square in the face. Belle gasped and covered her mouth with her hand, the man wiping the blood from his lip and grabbing Johnny, both of them throwing punches at one another, before being split up by the Jackass squad and a bouncer throwing them all out.

They all stood on the curb outside, Johnny clutching his side and using Steve-O as support.

"Cmon, lets go get you cleaned up." Belle stroked his hair, Johnny wincing in pain every time he exhaled.

A cab was called, and before they knew it Johnny was sat on the edge of the couch, Bella removing most of his clothes besides his underwear.

She cleaned up most of the blood, placing an ice pack on his eye for him to hold. They were the only ones in the room at the time, giving them a chance to stare deeply into each other's eyes without interruption. She was sat on his bare legs, Johnny's left arm around her waist.

"Yknow I've never seen eyes as blue as yours." He commented, Belle giggling.

"Well now you have one." She joked, Johnny laughing before staring intently again and both beginning slowly lean in, their lips just barely touching when the guys had to enter and ruin the moment, Steve-O and Pontius heavily hammered.

Steve-O grabbed her from Johnny's lap, Belle and him sighing as they were so close to kissing one another, but Belle didn't have the opportunity to object to Steve-O's actions; he was spinning her around and laying her on the couch within seconds of being in the room, laying on top of her and hovering his face above hers, Pontius dancing to his own humming in the corner.

"Damn, you're hot." Steve-O was all over her, Belle giggling softly.

"Hey I didn't wrestle one drunken knucklehead offa her to do it again." Johnny warned him, half joking, half serious.

"Easy for you to say; she already stripped you down to your undies." Steve-O sat on Belle's stomach like it was a seat.

"You can see your boner man." Steve-O pointed out, Belle staring up at the ceiling and listening to the conversation.

"I can't help it that B turns me on, you try keeping a softie when she's touching your inner thigh." Johnny admitted, Belle closing her eyes and trying to get the image out of her mind.

"Right off to bed." She announced, clapping her hands together and leading Steve-O and Pontius out of the door as they whined like children.

"Go to bed!" She yelled after them before slamming the door. Johnny was chuckling at her, already tucked into bed. Belle sorted her couch out, taking her hair out of her hair, ruffling it around like a model would.

"Do a strip tease for me?" He joked.

"Shut up Knoxville." She took off her make up in the mirror above the fireplace, also beginning to remove her dress, Johnny laying on his side, resting his head on the arm of the couch, sucking his bottom lip (what he does when he's concentrating) and watching her as she did so, just before she climbed into her bed, waiting for Johnny to fill the silence.

"Did you have a good night?" He questioned.

"Yeah did you?" She answered honestly.

"Yeah thanks, apart from that doucher in the club." He grimaced.

"Don't let him ruin the night Johnny." She shook her head as she closed her eyes.

He thought about how she looked tonight, how they danced together, and how they flirted and generally just spent time together. He loved every second with her.

"I won't."

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