Time Flying By

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Everything Has Changed - Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift

Due to the stress of planning and pitching ideas for a potential Jackass movie, no one was really appreciating how much time had passed by; it had been 3 months since Belle and Johnny's date. However, Belle didn't mind one bit, as she completely understood that everyone was busy filming things for the Jackass movie, which she also starred in.

They were currently in a staying in hotel in New York, but Belle was roaming the streets alone at 7:30am, two large boxes of donuts under her arm for the boys. She was amazed by all the sights she could see in just one city, particularly intrigued by a diner on the corner of the street.

She picked up a newspaper before going back to the hotel, walking down the hallway towards her door. She was about to get her key out of her pocket when she saw Dave and Ehren opening it and walking in.

"Guys, hold the door please!" Belle shouted over to them, Dave standing with the door open for her, Belle running up to it.

"Thank you Dave."

He smiled down at her and let the door shut once they were both in, everyone, including the crew, sat in there. All eyes were on Belle, who placed the boxes on the table.

"Donuts and a newspaper." Belle opened the lid, everyone rising from their seats to take one, Dunn taking the paper. They all mumbled a thank you through the glazed goodness in their mouths, Belle laughing. Johnny sat on the floor beside Belle, Belle sitting herself down and folding her legs. He kissed her temple and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close into him.

They were in that meeting for about two hours, however it was decided that the boys would be given a day off today, which would be spent relaxing in their rooms.

Johnny still spent his day in bed, writing down new ideas and how they would work and what they'd be called, Belle laying beside him a flicking through the channels. She stopped on MTV and watched Dirty Sanchez, which seemed to pass the time by pretty quickly.

She had thought about asking him this question for a while now, but she didn't want to interrupt his work.

"I'm gonna take a nap, sweetie." He kissed her forehead and laid down on his side, Belle laying down and facing him. His eyes were closed already, but he wasn't completely asleep.

"Hey Johnny?" She whispered, Johnny's eyes still closed.

"Mmmmmm..." He mumbled, Belle grinning a little bit.

Do you want to have a lil movie night with me tonight? You don't have to if you're busy-"

"-I'd love to. Just in our room?" His eyes shot open, excitement filling his lovely eyes as he stared into her blue ones.

"Yeah, so comfy clothes only." She set down the rule, Johnny smirking.


And his eyes were closed again, but with a smile on his face this time. He wrapped his arm around her waist, Belle stroking his face with her fingers.

She really wanted this to progress into something else, and she was confused at how neither of them had made the next move. It didn't annoy or upset her, it just made her wonder if they were supposed to be anything more than this, which she really wanted to be. She understood that Johnny was busy filming and so his mind was probably too jammed with other things for him to be thinking about things like this too.

But Johnny did think things like this. All the time, actually. Yeah, he was busy filming, but that was his second priority now, becoming something with Belle being his first. He was constantly thinking about her and all the things they could do in the future together if he just asked one simple question.

The effects of rejection are a lot more powerful than people often appreciate, and one simple 'no' can change the course of everything.

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