06. Broken Hearts Mend

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Author: StrikingHopeless

Genre: Teen fiction

Status: Ongoing

Description: "You were the person who showed me not to trust people," I said calmly. There was no use in wasting my voice on someone who didn't even care anymore.

Blair Cassidy loved and cared for everyone. She would've trusted you with her whole life even if you barely knew her. But that was the old Blair, the Blair who knew how to trust and how to love someone. The new Blair is as cold as ice. She doesn't express her feelings like she used to. Don't mess with her because you'd just be asking for a death wish.

Jace Collins is the guy everyone wants to be around or every girl wants to have. He's bad boy material as some say. Everyone knows him for his jaw dropping, knees wobbling looks. But under all that exterior, lies a dark past. He covers his past with his looks and personality. Everyone loves him, except one person. A person named, Blair Cassidy.

Is it true that a bad boy can fix a bad girl's heart?

Comment: Well, guess what? It's a bad boy's story, but with bad girl as well. How exciting that is? I'm gonna make this short and simple. I love reading story including friendship and if you do the same, check out this story. You definitely can't imagine how those tears formed in my eyes whenever the author addresses how the friendship used to be. Seriously I don't want to spoil this out before you experience it, but I couldn't resist the impulse. I love the way the author mentions the used-to-be of the friendship, and what they used to do together. That's simple, sweet but heartbreaking when it's in past tenses. And it's not even mingled in the middle of the chapter or any flashback, but at the beginning of each chapter. How unique and outstanding those paragraphs are when they're written this way. The story has only got around ten chapters at this time and I can't wait to read the progress of Blair and Jace, also how the broken hearts' can be mended.

For Emily: This story almost got ten thousands reads! Congratulation on that. I'm glad you're going to break the rules for getting recommended here, and I'm delighted to get to read your story before that.

Remember to check the story out!


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