10. In The Spirit of Letting Go

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Author: reaweiger

Genre: Paranormal

Status: Completed

Description: At the age of seventeen, Harper Pearce is no stranger to death.

Since the night of her parents' fatal car accident, she's had the ability to communicate with the echoes of souls trapped in the obscure in-between. Living with these ghosts and an aunt that often seems even more mysterious, she's come to terms with the fact that her life is destined for helping spirits move on and showing the ones they've left behind how to let go. And after twelve years, she's sure she's seen it all.

That is, until Jonathan Beckett Jr and the curious spirit of his brother walk into her aunt's shop.

Comment: The first thing I've got to say--I'm beyond honored and glad that I found this book a few days ago. So, I was looking for a critique to help improve my story. And then I found Rebecca on a book called "Marshmallow Critiques", where I've made the greatest decision by requesting her review.

That's when I came across her book, I know I'm in love with "In The Spirit of Letting Go" once I laid my eyes on the story. Try on the first chapter if you've any doubt. I believe there's no other book that's got a great starting like this story.

If paranormal is something you've never read before, this book may gets the best interest in you and you should really try. I love how smoothly the chapters go as the author changes the point of view of the characters. It's something that keeps you wondering throughout the story. Not to mention about how I'm already in love even at the starting of the chapter, the story is almost as flawless and as perfect as an edited and polished story.

I believe you want a different story, a story that stays in your mind long even after you finished reading it. So, you don't have to worry about that since the story is completed. Despite from that, I personally love the relationship between Harper and her aunt. Those descriptions about the characters and scenes are beautiful and lovely that you want to keep on reading, and continue to find out more.

Before I end this chapter, I would like to add on that Rebecca is also a NBR reviewer, which is something a person should be really proud of. If you're clueless about NBR, all I need to tell is that it's a book club with competitions but not everyone can enter as you need to go through screening phase, hence it's quality approved.

Rebecca is also a very nice and genuine person. She is the writer that I anticipate an update from, and definitely the one I would like to be friend to. Click her profile to find out more about her. I promise you won't regret having to know someone like her. And don't forget to check out her wonderful story. Still hadn't found your favorite author? Rebecca might be the one.


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