18. Four guys and me

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Review done by Catacat73

Title: Four guys and Me
Genre : teen fiction
Status: Ongoing
Author: ChibiNyx
Description: guys protecting their girl cousin from falling again but eventually hurt in her during the process.


This book does so many things right gah. Firstly, it gets straight into the main story, no faffing around with long monologues or description. The story is on a clear path, where I understand what's going on from beginning, middle and end.

I also loved how it sets the genre from the beginning. From chapter 2 we are all aware that this is gonna be a love square/triangle. There are no annoying live rivals (yet, might be later on until the plot is more established) and it's what I like to call 'a smooth read'.

Problems are necessary for books to progress, but this book doesn't add too many problems at once and I appreciate that. It doesn't frustrate the reader, and all in all, it's a book I can see myself getting invested in and reading on.

Constructive Criticism:

Hm, maybe leave gifs and things in the authors note as it can distract the reader and break the momentum of the story.  And sometimes, it just doesn't really fit. Maybe leave yourself some room to introduce new plot twists in the future(eg someone gets a mysterious text but it's revealed who it was from later on. Leave yourself openings like these so you have more open doors when writing your story. But a serious well done!

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