11. Elevation

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Recommended by Catacat73

Author: writerbronte

Genre: Science-fiction

Description (shortened version):

Dee hated her neighbour Noah and his entire family.

She had made it her mission to drive them out of her neighbourhood using any means necessary. Her anonymous 'tips' to child protection services and immigration seemed to be doing the trick.

But one night, a meteor landing triggers mysterious abilities in Noah and brings an army of special agents into their neighbourhood.

On the run in the Rocky mountains without provisions, without shelter, without skills, Dee has to rely on Noah, the one person she detests the most in the world.

Now Dee and Noah must figure out where they belong and how far they're willing to travel together into the wilderness.

Review: I'll be honest, I haven't really finished this book yet, but the from the moment I read the first sentence I was captivated. The book just gives you a really good mental image of what's happening at one time, and the characters are just likeable. I'm enjoying the mix between short, straightforward sentence and long abstract ones; they really seem to balance each other out.

This book is a prime example of how to get a character's personality across through their actions. I recommend it for any new writers who want to familiarize this technique, or just casual readers looking for a good sci-fi. Seriously under-rated book, a massive well done!

Constructive criticism:
As I haven't really finished this yet, I can't really hand out any solid pieces of constructive criticism, other than the fact that action- packed scenes shouldn't be that abstract, as it takes away from the adrenaline. However, this develops over time. Awesome book!

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