the surgery (alt. 1)

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(cancer patient Ethan and husband Tyler au where it's the day Ethan goes in for surgery to remove the cancer cells.)

Ethan cried as Tyler rubbed his back slowly. His tears soaked through his shirt and onto his chest. Ethan's sobs got louder as Tyler rubbed his back.

"T-Tyler, what if I don't make it?" He whispered quietly, eyes still full of tears as he looked up at Tyler.

"My darling, you will. 'Till death do us part," he whispered back as they curled up against the headboard of their bed.

t i m e   s k i p

As Ethan went in for his surgery, Tyler waited outside. He played on his phone for a while, looking around nervously. He ate the muffin he bought while he waited. A nurse walked out, holding a clipboard.

"Tyler Scheid-Nestor?" She called, looking around with grief in her body. Tyler jumped up, grabbing his phone as he walked speedily to the nurse. The nurse took him down the hall until he was outside of Ethan's room.

"Mr. Scheid-Nestor, I regret to inform you that your husband passed away at 3:17 PM due to blood loss, I'm sorry for your loss."

Tyler's world collapsed. His soulmate, his life, his husband and the only man he loved was gone. His brain couldn't grasp it. Tears shot out of his eyes as the nurse opened the door to the room holding Ethan's body.

Tyler slumped down into one of the plastic chairs by his body. He grasped his hand, tears splashing against Ethan's wrist as he kissed the cold hands.

This wasn't Ethan, he shouldn't be this cold, he shouldn't. This is all a bad dream, I'll wake up! He thought as he cried even harder as he held Ethan's hand.

No matter how hard he pinched himself, he couldn't wake up. This is real.

t i m e   s k i p

Tyler rested against Ethan's grave. The cold marble hurt him so much. Bundles of flowers lay over Ethan's grave as Tyler traced the lettering.

"My love, I will join you soon, I promise," he whispered, watching his tears roll down the gravestone.
He pulled out a gun from his pocket and his breath quickened as he pressed it to his temple, staring at Ethan's grave as he pulled the trigger.

Rest in piece
Tyler and Ethan Scheid-Nestor.
21st March, 2017.
Loving family, husbands and friends.

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