a letter to my past self

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Dear past Ethan.

Hi! This is future you, I guess? I wanted to say that you gotta stay strong. I know the world seems like utter shit at the moment, I know the jocks push you into lockers and take your glasses. I know it hurts and only the lesbians are there to kiss your wounds. Speaking of the lesbians, Amy and Signe are still together and going strong. They adopted a little boy called Louis and he already has a crush on a boy called Harry. You'll never escape the LGBT part of your life but you will forgive some people.

Remember when Mark shoved you against that locker? Or when he dumped ice cold water over your head in 11th grade? You'll forgive him. I know it seems crazy but it was even crazier when he stood at the altar, marrying the man of his dreams. Mark and Jack's wedding was beautiful, but it was even more of a miracle. You met him.

You met the man of your dreams. You met Tyler Schied. He will teach you about love, he will take you out on adventures and he will protect you from every bad thought. He is going to make you the happiest man alive. You just have to hold on. He is coming and he will always be there. With open arms, waiting for you. Sometimes I stare at him and wonder he chose us. He is so gorgeous, yet he goes out with us. Love really is a miracle, Ethan. You need to look a bit closer, but it is all around. Take a moment to look around at all the beautiful things, they go past so fast that if you don't stop to admire it, you'll miss it.

It gets better. I know working at our old dead-end job is horrible, but just hang on. Soon, you'll be creating videos and content for the world to laugh at. You'll support charities and get into a bath filled with hot chocolate. The possibilities are endless, Ethan. Just stay on.

I know you want it all to stop. You want to blow your brains out, or any method it takes to get out of that god awful life. But you just need to hang on because real beauty is coming. You may not like its form, but you will like the man. You will like the lesbians, their son, and his boyfriend and you'll work for your ex-bully and his husband. You will be happy. You just need to hold on.

Tyler is going to go first. Then the lesbians. Then Mark, then Jack. Remember Louis? He married Harry and visits us frequently. He is all you have left. Treasure every moment, Ethan. Losing them, it'll hurt so much, you'll be numb and lonely for a bit but you will always know he is going to be protecting the family we created. You are 83 at the time of writing this. Ethan, you have lived a magical life. I wouldn't change a thing.

You of the future.


Ethan gently folded the letter up and left it on his lap in the hospital bed. The handwriting was the neatest it had been in years and a tear rolled down his wrinkled cheek. This was it, he would leave this world and join his husband. His friends.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. It was Louis and Harry. Louis noticed the tears and hugged Ethan tightly. The cried together.

"They are going to unplug you soon, Uncle Ethan. I'm so sorry." Louis sobbed, Ethan crying with him. His heart gave out years ago, they decided it would be best if they finally stopped his pacemaker and let the old man go. Ethan and Louis hugged for minutes, gripping tightly until Ethan pulled Harry closer.
"Look after him, Harry. He's all I have left.

ethan nestor-schied

oct. 24 1996 - jun. 13 2079.

forever in our hearts


HI! I'm backkk : )

I figured an emotional chapter would let everyone know that I have risen from my grave! I took a short break but I'm back now and should be posting a lot more soon. If you ever need some help, advice or just need to vent, my messages are always open. I hope you have a wonderful day!!

love you all lots,


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