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Ethan's boyfriend hated it when Ethan cutted. He would tell Ethan little messages with a sorrow filled grin, begging him to stop. Ethan never did.

Tyler came home from school with Mark and flopped onto the couch. He saw Mark looking at his phone before showing Tyler what he was looking at.
It was Ethan. His wrists were drenched with blood and teary streaks were running down his face.

He fumbled for his pockets and pulled out his phone.

Stop this beautiful, go wrap up your wrists and talk to me please xx

Why not? Nobody cares if I live or if I die.

I care. I'm your soulmate, I'll be shattered if you do, put down the knife lovely.

Tyler watched as the 3 dots appeared before his phone rang.

[accept] deny

When Tyler answered he heard Ethan's heavy breathing on the other side of the phone and he stood up leaving Mark to watch the football game by himself.
"Hey babe, I'm so proud of you." He said, opening the backdoor and stepping out into the crisp air.

"I- Tyler, I need you, please... I'm going to do it again.. please Tyler." Ethan whimpered, a loud clang came from the other line and Tyler's heart jumped. The cold air stung his face as he dashed inside. His body shook with fear as he rushed into the living room. Mark turned his head slightly in confusion when he say Tyler sprinting through the room.

"Mark! Keys!" He shouts as he grabs his schoolbag.
"Kitchen bench!" Mark replies and turns his attention back to the game on the wide screen. Tyler's hand brushed against the wall as he picked up Mark's mom's car keys and hurrying out into the cold air.

He sniffled a little as the cold hit him and quickly climbed into Momiplier's car.

He sped off on the icy roads, still obeying the speed limit, but Tyler went as fast as possible. Ethan lived relatively close to Mark so the drive was short. He passed ice covered trees and snow filled driveways before he pulled into Ethan's driveway.

He grabbed his bag from the passenger seat and made his way to his front door. He pulled up an old dusty welcome mat to find the rusted spare key.

He pushed the front door open, kicked off his shoes and dumped his bag down by the door. He climbed up the carpeted stairs and stood in front of Ethan's  door. He took a long and heavy breath as he prepared himself for whatever is behind that door.

He opened to door and saw Ethan, on his bed, with his head in his hands. Next to him was a few blood covered razors, a box of tissues and a first aid kit. He quickly went over and sat down beside Ethan and pulled him into his chest.

Ethan gripped his shirt and cried heavily against his shirt, soaking it with his tears.
"Shhh beautiful, let it out.." Tyler whispered to Ethan rocking him. He held Ethan's chin and pulled his head to make him look at Tyler gently.

"I love you," he whispers and presses a deep kiss to Ethan's lips. The two boys were so focused they didn't even notice Tyler's phone go off next to them.

Hey is mom's car still at Ethan's? I'm taking Amy on a date and I'm proposing

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