It's Quiet Uptown

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There are moments that the words don't reach.
There is suffering, to terrible to name.
You hold your child as close as you can,
and push away the unimaginable.

Ethan wasn't the same after the accident. He would stare at Ella's door and break down in tears, he would have nightmares every night over what happened. His sanity was hanging by a thread.

Tyler was so sad, he always felt sad. But he pushed it away for Ethan. He knew Ethan needed him, so he kept his emotions at bay for his husband.

The accident. Ella's accident. She had been talking to a boy online, a lovely young lad until he asked to meet up with her. She accepted and they met at a local park. She was raped before he stabbed her, the monster was a 56 year old man.

I spend hours in the garden
I walk alone to the store
And it's quiet uptown
I never liked the quiet before.

The house was silent most days. Even when Mark and Amy came over, it was still quiet. They had been drowning in grief, without any way to escape. Tyler was still working for Mark and taking over Ethan's work too. Ethan had found a new love for gardening and would spend hours tending to the roses, as if they were the only constant in their life.

Ella wasn't their biological daughter, but they loved her like she was.

The hardest part was making the video to tell the fans. Ethan's shaking grip in Tyler's hand, the fans could tell in the first few seconds that they were in agony.

Shaky breaths and sorrow filled words were the best way to explain that video.

Ella, you would like it uptown
It's quiet uptown

They were sat in the front row at her funeral. Her best friend beside them and her biological mother at the podium, talking about her. Tyler stared at the wooden coffin, the decorative roses and sprigs of lavender inside the coffin. He felt pain building up as he grabbed Ethan's hand.

The priest asked him if he wanted to say a few words. Tyler kissed Ethan's forehead before standing up and taking the stage.

"There are moments that the words don't reach. There is a grace too powerful to name. We push away what we can never understand, we push away the unimaginable. I was standing in the garden, Ella by my husband's side and my family finally felt complete. I love my daughter. I always will, her light is spread everywhere now. She will always be with me, even when friends and family wither away, she'll always be there for me."

The funeral went by so fast, until they got to the end. A slide show of Ella's photos with the song, Piano Man playing. Ethan swallowed and fell against his husband's side. He took Tyler's hand and cried against his shoulder, begging for the pain to stop, begging to have his Ella back.

They are going through the unimaginable.

hello. I'm sorry for the lack of updates but hopefully there'll be more coming soon! I have so much planned for this book!!

All my other stories are being worked on. :)

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