Taming the Crocodile

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Poppy, Grey Branch and Creek froze for a moment... King Gristle's Pet Crocodile was still not moving, just looking at them like a cat looks at mice he is just about to attack. The 3 Trolls looked at him scared & Branch asked 'Don't you think we should run now?'. 'No! - Cause if we run - he will chase us!' answered Creek instantly. 'So do you have a Better Idea?' Branch asked him sarcastically. 'Oh yes, I have!' answered Creek. He stayed calm & started talking to the Crocodile. 

'It's ok, just stay calm, I know that your job is to protect this place - but we are not your enemies' Creek told the Crocodile... - & surprisingly the Crocodile Listened to him! King Gristle's Pet Crocodile didn't attack them. He stayed calm... - & looked at Creek in a more friendly way! Branch looked at this with his eyes opened wide & asked Poppy 'How did he Do That?'. 'I'm not surprised - Creek likes All The Animals, & they Like Him!' answered Poppy with a smile. 

'You're Right! - I forgot about That!' said Branch with a slight smile 'Even that Beetle in our Troll Village flies after him & carries him from place to place whenever he wants to!'. 'You see?' said Poppy and smiled back at him. 'That can be useful' said Branch looking at Creek 'But I hope he won't start talking about his 'Namaste stuff' now'. 'No, I won't...' answered Creek calmly '... But I could tell him 'Stay'. As soon as he said that - The Doglike Crocodile sat down & waited not moving just like a trained dog reacts to that command. Branch made even more surprised face seeing this and Poppy smiled even wider now. 

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