Branch's Recovery

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'Maybe you're right' answered Branch 'I was so locked in my Sadness for All Those Years that I didn't even notice that You All were trying to help me get out of it!'. 'Of course we Were Trying - That's what Friends Are For!' answered Creek & Branch smiled. 'After the Saddest Day in his life we asked his parents 'Will Branch ever be Happy Again?' Creek continued the story 'They told us 'We hope so - He just needs some time'. We asked them 'How much time?' and they answered 'Nobody Knows That'. 'I had no Idea about all that!' said Poppy 'For my Whole Life I thought that 'He is Just Sad' but I didn't know why'. 'Nobody is Sad Without a Reason - there Always IS Some Reason' Creek told her 'He was an artist, so I guess that's why that tragedy changed him so much & for so long - artists are Sensitive!'. 'You called me 'An Artist?' asked Branch with a smile. 'Yes, becacuse that's Just What You Are!' answered Creek & smiled back 'You're precise, imaginative & whatever you plan to do you Always Do Well'. 'Thanks' answered Branch & smiled again.

'One Day when we were teens I saw Branch digging a hole so I asked him 'Branch what are you doing?' said Creek 'I can't talk now - I'm building a Bunker' Branch answered me so I asked him 'A Bunker? - What for?'. 'To Hide from the Bergens! - They won't find me there!'. 'Do you need any help?' I asked him 'No' answered teen Branch 'Just don't disturb! - I already have a Plan!'. It took him a few years to build it - I've never been there, but by the amount of soil he removed to build it underground I can assume that it Must be Really Big!'.

'It is!' answered Branch with a proud smile & started talking about his Bunker showing a bit of excitement at last. 'There is an elevator I constructed myself, and lots corridors & rooms, & space & many shelves with food & water supplies that should be enough for me for 10 years and... ' he suddenly made a surprised face & thought aloud 'Why am I Talking about That?'. 'Because I'm a good listener you can tell Anything?' asked Creek. 'Maybe' answered Branch 'You've Always been like that'. 

They smiled at each other & Creek said 'You can call me 'naive' but I'm also the one who Still believes that You WILL get your Happiness Back. - The other Trolls might kind of have gotten 'used to' the fact that 'YOU Are Sad' after a few years without any change - But I am Still Trying to Cheer You Up - although 20 years have passed. 'It's true!' Poppy told Gristle 'I heard him telling Branch 'Why don't you try a little Positivity?' recently'. The Bergen King Smiled & nodded & Branch answered unexpectedly 'So I tried it. And we All Are Here!... - I could still be sitting in my Bunker, as everyone thought I would - but I got out of it & joined you & helped you Save our Kidnapped Friends, because I felt that I Should!'. 

'Our Friends?' Poppy asked happily 'Branch, you said 'Our friends? - Not 'Only Mine?'. 'Sure' answered Branch 'Would it make sense to come here if I didn't care for them?'. Poppy hugged him spontaneously & for the first time in 20 years Branch didn't mind it. He Smiled. 

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