Little Bergen Girl likes Trolls & It's a Small World After All :)

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When Creek finished his song the Little Bergen Birthday Girl carefully took him into her left hand & Branch into her right hand cause they were the first to cheer her up. She looked at her mother with a cute smile & sad doggy eyes & asked her 'Mom, can I keep those Trolls?... - At least Those Two... - They are So Cute!'.

'I don't think so, Sweetie' answered her mother 'They are not toys - They're living creatures'. The Bergen Girl made a bit sadder face & said 'But I Like Them So Much!... - They Made Me HAPPY!'. When she said it the two Trolls looked at her & smiled - so she instantly smiled back at them. 'They can talk themselves - so you can ask what They think about it' the mother advised the Little Bergen Girl. The Bergen Child looked at Creek and Branch she was holding in front of her face & asked them 'Will you stay with me?'.

They both smiled again but a second later their faces got more serious & thoughtful cause they were thinking how to say 'no' without making her cry. A few seconds later Creek started first. He smiled at the Little Bergen Girl to show her that her nice words made him happy as well & answered 'We Really Appreciate what you've just said... - but we can't stay here'.

'Why not?' the Little Bergen Girl's innocent eyes looked at him surprised when she asked that question. 'You would have lots of space & food - & I would take care of you' she tried to encourage them. 'That's really nice of you, but...' said Branch, not really sure what to say now. '...But they would be far from their Friends & Families - & they would Miss Them Very Much!' said Poppy & Creek looked at her with gratitude. That was the right thing to make that Bergen Child understand how they feel.  

'You wouldn't like to be separated from Your Family, right?' Poppy continued looking at the Little Bergen Girl & talking to her with a calm voice. 'Of course I Wouldn't!' answered the Little Bergen Girl quickly. 'I'm really sorry!... - I didn't Think about it!' she said putting Creek & Branch back on the table 'But I just want to See You Again!'. 'And you Will see us again... - Cause we can Visit You!' said Creek. He looked at Branch with his calm smile & asked him 'Right, Branch?'. 'Sure!... - Why not?' answered Branch instantly & also smiled.

And that was enough to make the Little Bergen Girl happy again. She smiled wide again & said 'Ok - so you will be visiting me... - & Singing To Me?'. 'Yes' answered Creek & Branch simultaneously. 'You Promise?' she asked them & they both confirmed again. 

It made her so Happy that she lifted them for a second & hugged them both saying 'That's Great! - Thanks!'. 'No Problem' they answered when she put them back on the table. And could you two sing something more Now?' she asked looking at them with happy child's eyes. 'Sure we could!' answered Creek 'What will we sing, Branch?'. 'Maybe this... ' answered Branch & sang the intro ( seconds 06 - 13 ) of 'It's a Small World': 

Creek was singing the main part, Branch was singing the chorus - & they sang the whole song together, making Everyone dance one more time.

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