Some Sad Memories

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'WHAT?' asked Branch surprised 'I can't Believe That he's Apologizing For This!'. 'I think I should' answered King Gristle. He smiled at Creek and told him 'I'm Really Sorry!... - Will you Forgive me?'. He looked really friendly now, he sounded honest & he was Smiling, so Creek smiled back at him and answered 'Yes'. 

Branch looked at Creek shocked and asked him 'How can you forgive something like That so easily? - You Almost Died Here!'. Creek made a calm face & answered 'But I didn't! - And this experience assured me How Wonderful Friends I Have!'. Poppy smiled & he continued 'Because You Two came to Bergen Town risking Your Own Lives to Save Me & Everyone Else! And You SAVED US! - I've Never Been as Grateful as THAT!'. King Gristle put Creek on the floor again & Creek run to Poppy & Branch to hug them one by one out of happiness. 

He hugged Poppy first & she smiled because she liked it, just like Almost All Trolls Did, but when he was trying to hug Branch - The Gray Troll who Didn't Like Hug Time stood back & told him 'I think it won't be necessary - just saying 'thanks' would be enough'. Creek smiled wide, said 'Thanks, Branch!' and shook his hand. Branch answered 'No Problem' and tried to smile back. King Gristle told them 'Please try to understand me'. 'I do understand' answered Creek 'You just wanted to be Happy'. 'Exactly!' the Bergen King confirmed. 'And Bergens think that only Eating A Troll can make Them Happy - That's what I was telling to the Little Trolls I read to' said Poppy. 

'I'm still ok, And it wasn't You who invented Trollstice - That's why I Forgave You' said Creek. 'That's right! - Trollstice was first celebrated before I was born & it became a Bergen Tradition to eat a Troll once a year to get a Little Happiness - that's why we were waiting for it!' said King Gristle. 'And How Many of our Brothers, Sisters, Parents & Other Family Members YOU Ate?' Branch asked him. 'He hasn't eaten Any Trolls yet' answered Creek 'I was to be His First'. 'Yes' answered King Gristle 'But don't worry, you won't be - I won't be trying to eat Any Troll anymore, cause I already know that I Don't Have To!... - My Father was telling me that 'Nothing Else Can Make Me Happy' since I was a little Kid! So I believed him'. 'Oh, That's So Sad!' said Poppy. 'He usually Was Right - but this one time He Wasn't' said King Gristle & smiled at the 3 Trolls to prove it. 

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