The Happy Ending of Bergen Party & Trolls Going Back Home

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After some more songs & dances when the first Bergen - Troll Party ended Chef said 'I've never felt So Happy Before!... - King Gristle was Right: we don't have to Eat Trolls to be Happy... - so I won't be catching any of you anymore. I promise!'. The Trolls Snack Pack cheered & jumped out of joy on the table and all the Happy Bergens Smiled. Guy Diamond was standing a bit too close to the edge of the table so he lost his balance after the happy jump & fell down making a scared autotune sound.

Luckily nothing happened to him cause Chef caught him when he was falling. She reached her hand out so he could land on her open palm. She smiled, said 'Oh well... - At least not in a 'bad' sense' and put Guy Diamond back on the table. He smiled back & asnwered 'Thanks'. After that the Trolls went home. When they were leaving the Bergen castle the Little Bergen Birthday Girl waved her hand & said 'Bye, Trolls! - & Don't forget to visit me again!'. 'Ok' answered Creek & Branch together. 'And you Remember to Stay Happy' Creek said before going away. 'We All Will' King Gristle assured him & the whole Snack Pack went back to their Troll Village through an underground tunnel. 

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