A Good Change

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'I wasn't happy for All those Years cause I was blaming myself for what happened to My Grandma -  The Bergen caught her cause I was singing & it attracted Chef's attention and she wanted to protect me. - I can still remember that a large Bergen hand was Reaching for Me - but Grandma Rosiepuff pushed me away & saved me, so Chef Caught HER!' said Branch. 'And that's why you told me that 'Singing Killed Your Grandma?' Poppy asked him. 'Yes' Branch confessed 'And I've been sad for so long that some young Trolls don't even remember that I've ever been different... - But maybe I've been sad for too long?'. 'Way too long, Branch' said Creek 'Your Grandma was The Sweetest Person Ever, Always Kind & Smiling - & I am sure that she wouldn't like to see you That Sad till The End of Your Life!'. 

'You're Right! - It would break her heart!' said Branch. 'But she would have a Reason to Be Proud of You now! - You came here with Poppy & Saved us!' Creek told him happily. 'She gave me a good example when I was a Kid' answered Branch & smiled slightly. 'And seems that Bravery is Your Family Tradition!' Creek told him. 'Maybe it is' Branch answered him 'And after Poppy went for her Rescue Mission to Bergen Town I thought to myself 'I can't spend the Rest of My Life in My Bunker! - She needs My Help!' & went after her'. 'And I am grateful for That, Branch!' answered Poppy & smiled at him.

'And that was The First Step of a Good Change!' said Creek cheerfully. 'But he was still Sad & grumpy on our way' said Poppy. 'Sorry for that' Branch apologized her 'I've been like that For 20 Years! - So I guess I kind of got used to it - but if you give me some time maybe I'll manage to Find My Happiness again'. 'I'm sure that You'll Manage, Branch!' said Poppy & smiled wide at him. 'And we will be Waiting for That Day - even if it takes Another 20 years!' said Creek. 'I know that you're Patient - but I'm sure It Won't last That Long' answered Branch & smiled.

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