King Gristle likes Music too!

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The Bergen King finished his exercises, took his headphones off & got surprised because He Still Could Hear Some Music! Better than he's Ever Heard!... - And he got even more surprised when he turned around & noticed that His Pet Crocodile was Dancing to it! - He didn't teach him that!

The next thing he noticed was: The Purple Troll he put into his green jewel box before was standing on the floor & singing! So Gristle's first thought was 'How did he get out of it?' - But then he noticed two other Trolls: A Pink Troll female in a blue dress & a Grey male Troll with black hair standing behind the Purple Troll - so then he thought 'Maybe they helped him?' but didn't say anything because he liked the song the Purple Troll was singing, so he just stayed quiet & smiled to let him finish it. The Trolls were not looking at him, so he was just listening...

And they got surprised when they heard the clapping of his hands when Creek finished singing his song. When the 3 Trolls realized that King Gristle was looking at them Branch shouted 'The Bergen King Noticed Us! - RUUUUN!' & grabbed Poppy's hand again. This time Creek also got scared & was ready to run out of the room with them, but King Gristle stopped them saying 'Wait! - Let's talk!'. 

'Talk?!' asked Branch stopping for a second & turning around to look at him. 'Yes! - I want to talk with you' answered Gristle still smiling. 'I'm sorry, Your Highness - but I don't want this conversation to End in Your Stomach!' answered Branch and started to run again pulling Poppy behind him. Creek was running next to them & all of them were frightened. But Gristle was faster. He made a few large Bergen steps, reached the door first & closed it in front of them. 

'Oh No!' shouted Poppy scared. 'Don't be afraid' Gristle told her 'I won't hurt you'. 'Oh, we know that' answered Branch sarcastically 'You just want to Eat Us!'. 'Not anymore' Gristle assured him. 'You think that we will believe That?' asked Branch 'You wanted to eat Creek! You chose him to eat for Trollstice! - We saw it!'. 'You're right, I wanted to... ' answered King Gristle & took Creek into his hand. 'Let Him Go!' shouted Branch ready to hit Bergen King's toe to save Creek if necessary. But Poppy stopped him. She looked at King Gristle & told Branch 'Wait, I think it's ok now'. 

'... - And now I would like to apologize for That!' the Bergen King finished the sentence holding Creek in front of his face to talk to him. 

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