Trolls at the Party Make Bergens Dance! :D

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'I think I've just heard more music behind the door' said King Gristle making a nicely surprised face. 'I heard it too, Your Highness - should I check it?' Chef asked him. 'Yes' answered King Gristle 'Let's see what's going on there'. Chef got up from her chair & went to the door & as soon as she opened it, the Bergens saw Dj Suki, Biggie, Cooper, Smidge, Guy Diamond, Satin & Chenille having a mini Party... on King Gristle Pet Doglike Crocodile's back! 

The Crocodile seemed to be happy about it & willingly cooperate with the group of Trolls and as soon as the door opened he marched into the Meeting Room happily wagging his tail to the rhytm of their music & letting them not only ride on his back - but Dance there! 

That was the beginning of Dj Suki's plan & everything was going well: as soon as the Crocodile made the first step into the room she shouted 'PAAARTYYYY!' & started playing 'Levels' on her Portable Dj Set ( first 1:35 of this vid ) - & the other Trolls started to dance: 

Chef got surprised & asked 'What's going on Here?' but the other Bergens ignored her. They all were looking at the dancing Trolls - & they All Liked Their Show! It looked really good: Dj Suki was playing the music & all the other Trolls on King Gristle's Pet Crocodile's back were dancing - each in his or her individual style: so Biggie was twerking ( & he was surprisingly good at it ) , Satin & Chenille were moving their arms & hips - both in an identical way, Guy Diamond was breakdancing, Smidge was jumping like a little rubber ball & Cooper was moving his all four legs & rocking his long neck from side to side.

The Little Bergen Birthday Girl got really happy to see more Trolls & hear more music, so she called happily 'More Trolls at My Party?... - YAY!... - I want to dance with Them!' and because children are spontaneous - she instantly got up from her chair & started to dance as well. Her mother smiled looking at her so she smiled back & asked 'Come, Mommy! - Dance!'. 'Ok' answered the Bergen Woman. She also got up & started to dance with her little daughter... - & that encouraged more Bergens to also get up & Dance!

They've just learnt how to be Happy & how to Have Fun & they liked it So Much that most of them joined the dance in a few seconds, so the Party could go on.

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