Cheer up, Chef... & Gristle Finds His Princess!

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While most of other Bergens were already dancing King Gristle asked Bridget 'Shall we dance again... LADY GLITTER SPARKLES?' looking at her with a charming smile. Bridget, who had her 'normal working maid dress' on got surprised, she thought 'He recognized me? How does he know that it was Me? - I looked totally different on our first Roller Skate Date!' but on the other hand she felt relieved that she didn't have to pretend anymore because the King knew the Truth. 

She smiled back at him & asked 'How did you call me?'. 'Lady Glitter Sparkles' repeated King Gristle 'Cause that's how you introduced yourself before we spent The Best Hours Of My Life together'. 'Those were the Best Hours of MY Life too' admitted Bridget & blushed. 'I'm really happy to hear that - so please, dance with me again' the King asked her & kissed her hand. 'Ok' Bridget agreed & they started to dance. 

'Can I ask you a question?' she asked Gristle while dancing. 'Of course, My Dear! - Ask me Anything!' answered Gristle with a smile. 'How did you recognize me?' asked Bridget 'How did you know that Lady Glitter Sparkles was me? - I had a different hairstyle and everything then'. 'But your Eyes & Smile are still the Same! - So it was enough to look into your eyes to make sure about that!' answered Gristle & hugged her. She hugged back & they kept dancing, smiling at each other.

So now All the Bergens were dancing happily... - except Chef. She was sitting on a chair next to the door, looking sad. Creek noticed it instantly & because he was always trying to cheer everyone up, whenever he noticed that someone was sad - he decided to talk to her. She didn't look dangerous now, she was just sad - so sad that he felt sorry for her. He formed a paragliding out of his hair, flew a few meters, landed on Chef's shoulder and asked her 'Hey, what's the matter? - Why aren't you celebrating with Everyone?'. 

She looked at him surprised, not expecting any act of kindness at the moment - then made a sad face again & answered 'Oh, I feel so Useless now!'. 'Why?' Creek asked her. 'Because... I thought that if I bring Trolls to Bergen Town - Everyone will like & respect me again!... - I used to be their Minister of Happiness 20 years ago, I wanted to feel important just like then... - & now I am Nobody again!'. 

'Don't say so...' answered Creek with a reassuring smile 'We All Are Needed!'. He slid down Chef's arm & started singing 'Everybody Needs Somebody' ( 49 first seconds of this vid ) dancing on her hand: 

Chef looked at him surprised, then smiled & asked 'You're right... - But Why are you So Kind to Me?'. 'Because Trolls ARE Kind - Don't you Know it?' answered Creek & smiled back. 'Oh yes, I know... - But I don't deserve that much kindness from you' said Chef looking down 'Cause I was the one who caught you & brought you here for Trollstice, so I guess you should hate me'. 

'I don't hate anyone' answered Creek honestly, which made Chef smile again. 'Your King just said that 'There will be No More Trollstice' & we All are Safe & Sound - So I Forgive You!' said Creek, still smiling. He jumped from Chef's hand to her shoulder again & hugged her to express it better. That made Chef totally speechless! She opened her eyes wide, not used to That Much Kindness & couldn't say a word for a few seconds - but when she finally spoke again, she said 'Thanks... - I feel Much Better now!'. 

'That's good' answered Creek happily 'And you should be Happy now - cause you've just reached Your Goal'. 'What do you mean?' Chef asked him. She got up, carried Creek to the table, where Branch was still standing & she sat on a chair to talk to him more. 'You Brought Me & My Friends to Bergen Town to make the Other Bergens Happy - & You succeeded!' Creek explained her 'We cheered them up, now They Are Happy!... - So we could say that 'This whole Party is Thanks to YOU!'. 

'You're right!... - I didn't think about it this way, but You're Telling the Truth!' said Chef & suddenly made a happy face as if she just realized a Really Good Thing she hadn't noticed before. 'He's Always telling the Truth!' said Poppy & all the other Trolls in the room agreed with her. The Bergens in a Happy crowd started clapping their hands & shouting 'Chef! - Chef - Chef! - Chef!' & two Bergen males lifted Chef with her chair to show how much they appreciate what she did for them & started moving it up & down. 

Chef hasn't felt That Much appreciated since 20 Years! - & of course She Liked It!... - She liked it So Much that she was laughing & smiling happily for a few minutes, as long as they were holding her chair in the air & happily shouting her name. When they finished Creek asked her 'How do you feel now?' and Chef smiled, stood up & answered him with a Song!... She sang 'I Feel Good!' ( like in seconds 08 - 50 of this vid ) :

She danced a bit while singing & Everyone danced again!

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