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Rahkeid's POV

As I was walking to class, the scene of (y/n) slapping me replayed in my head. She slapped me.... She actually slapped me... My heart was throbbing like mad crazy and I didn't know why. As I clenched my shirt, I whispered to myself "it hurts..." I walked in class, all late and took my seat. The teacher came over to me and said "Mr. Dragneel, you may be a new student in my class and I don't care. You're ten minutes late and came in without a pass. I'll be seeing you for an hour after school today." "Just great" I said to myself and put my head down.

"Keid... Rah... Ahkei... DAMN IT... WAKE UP!!" Someone said then slapped the back of my head "The hell is your pro-" I looked up and saw Landon and Tyki standing in front of me. I looked around the room to see if my teacher was in the room but she wasn't, so I looked back at Landon and Tyki. "Let's get out of here..." I said as I grabbed my bag and made my towards the door. I opened the door and was about to walk out when I felt someone bump into me that followed with a yelp and the sound of papers scattering on the floor. I looked down and saw a girl with black hair that looked like she could've been a doll. She was cute. No scratch that, she was adorable.

"Dude, why you standing in the doorway like that?" Landon said putting his hand on my shoulder. "Let's go and get some-- Why, hello there Tokyo Academy's Doll. You alright right?" Landon said looking at the girl sitting on the floor. She nodded and looked me in the eyes.

Her eyes where beautiful. They was a beautiful orchid purple. Then her skin was a fair sandy color. She didn't have much curves, but she did have a nice set that fit her tiny body. I bent down and smiled at her then started picking up the papers she dropped and said "I'm sorry for bumping into you, I wasn't paying attention." "Ah no, it's my fault... Uhh, I didn't know someone was still in here" she shyly said and picked up the rest of the papers. I helped her up and gave her the papers in my hand. She bowed and went in the classroom. I turned to her and asked her "What's your name? I'm Rahkeid Dragneel" she set the papers on the teachers desk and came back to the hallway and closed the door, "Yumi... Yumi Masato" she whispered and blushed. I chuckled, grabbed her arm and wrote my number on her arm. "Call me" I said kissing her cheek and left with Landon and Tyki.

-An hour time skip brought to you by Rahkeid and his little sister Ruki-

Me, Landon, and Tyki was at my place hanging out in my room. I was flipping through the tv channels while Landon was on the phone with his girlfriend and Tyki was texting and on social media. I looked out my window to see if (y/n) was home yet, but her light want even on. Sighs... Tyki looked up from his phone and asked "What's wrong?" I shook my head and he went back to the his phone. 

Readers POV

After I finished the school photo shoot, I found a set of keys that belonged to Rahkeid. On my way home I examined the keys and saw that there was a car key, house key, a few store membership cards and a photo of a little black haired girl on his shoulders.  I giggled to myself and said "How cute."

-At the Komiyama's house-

It's been an hour and thirty minutes and I was texting my boyfriend Tyki. He was telling me how Jarod and David got into a fight with Skin. They lost... I was getting bored and wanted to see Tyki, I asked...

Me: wyd

Tyki💋💘: At Rahkeid's place. Is something wrong? Is someone bothering you?! Is some guy hitting with you!?!

"Heh. Oh Tyki Mikk, this is why I love you" I said and looked at the key set sitting on my desk.

Me: Nothing's wrong

Me: No one's bothering me

Me: And I'm not even out, but I have someone's keys and I believe they don't realize that it's missing

Tyki💋💘: Whose keys?

Me: Your friend, Rahkeid's keys

Tyki💋💘: I'll come over and get them

Right when I was about to text Tyki back, my older brother came in my room. "What's up Yoh?" I asked looking at him.

(Everyone, the brothers name is Yoh not Kou. I reread the book and saw that I put the wrong name for him and never went to fix it...)

Yoh looked at me, then the door and sighed. "Can we talk?" He asked with sorrow in his eyes. I looked at him with a confused look and thought It's not look Yoh to have a sorrowful look in his eyes... I hope him and Haruna didn't break up... I actually like her...》"Sure" I said motioning him to sit down, but he grabbed my hand and said "Not here. Let's go to a park..."


-At a park-

They've been at the park for about a good 15 to 20 minutes swinging. Well, (y/n) was swinging while Yoh was thinking about something. (Y/n) couldn't tell what her older brother was thinking about since he doesn't show an type of emotions when he's thinking. He doesn't really any emotions at all. One can always see him with a straight face that looked kind of scary.

He finally got all of his thoughts together and was about to tell his little sister what he wanted to talk to her about. "(Y/n), you know I love, right?" She nodded her head. "You know that I would tell you anything if it involves you or not, right?" She nodded again and asked, "Would you just get to the point?" "Tyki is cheating on you with his ex girlfriend Lust" he said regretting telling you that. You slowly stopped swinging and looked at him surprised, "What are you talking about? Me and Tyki has been dating for almost 2 years now. He would never"  Yoh sighed and told her everything that Tyki has been doing behind her back.

It's been 10 minutes since Yoh told (y/n) about Tyki and Lust. She got up from the swings and started walking away. Yoh got up and called out to her worried "(y/n)! Where are you going!?" "For a walk" she stopped and turned around to look him in the eyes "I'll be home later..." she said and and left the park.

Rahkeid's POV

Me and the guys went out to find Ruki because she 'ran away from home' just because we got into an argument. We've been looking for awhile and haven't even spotted her yet. I was about to call my parents to see if they found her yet, until I got a call from an unknown number. "Who is this?!" I answered and heard a females voice. "H-Hi, is this Rahkeid?" "Yes this is. Is this Yumi that I'm talking to right now?" "Yes" she said. I could tell she was blushing right now just by the way she was talking to me. I chuckled and told her "I'm gonna have to call you later, I'm looking for my little sister right now" "O-Ok" she said then hung up.

I was now standing in front of Tokyo Tower when all of sudden I heard someone yell "Watch out!" Followed by a loud SCREECH. Then a little girl crying. 《The people in this city is reckless》 I thought and started walking away until I heard two familiar voices. One sounded like Ruki and the other sounded like (y/n). I made my way over to the crowd of people and saw blood, a little girl crying, and someone holding the girl. I got a better look at the little girl, "Ruki!!" I said and made my way towards her. I grabbed her and was about to pull into my embrace when she yanked her arm away from and cried "Nee-Chan!! Nee-Chan!! Please don't die!!" The girl touched Ruki's head and looked at her "Don't worry sweetie..." she started to slowly lean to the side and I saw her face, and said "(y/n)?". "(Y/n)!" I heard Tyki coming towards us.

We took her to the hospital to if see was ok, but she ended up in a coma. Because she went into a coma, Ruki didn't talk to me and wanted to stay by (y/n) side. I didn't like the thought of my sister being by someone else's side, so I forced her to come home.

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