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What's up my sexy and beautiful readers. I have a huge announcement I must say

Drum roll please


The end of this book!! I'm having a hard time coming up with more ideas so I asked one of my loyal reader and follower for some ideas and she told me to bring it to an end. I want this book to contiune but sadly I'm falling out of love with it 😢😢

But do not fear, I will come up with one bomb ass ending.

Also I'm dedicating this book to Gwenivere1. She's cool af and has good stories herself.

I have two other books and a new one that I'll be publishing soon. So please do show some love and read them.

(You don't have to vote or comment on them. I don't really care for that stuff 😁😁)

Also I like pizza and tacos!!

Naomi OUT 🤘🤙

The Model Student  (Rahkeid x Reader) {Hiatus}Where stories live. Discover now