I Wanna Tease Her

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-Next Morning-

Rahkeid's POV

I was in my room laying on the floor thinking about what mother said to me last night.


"Rahkeid, I don't care if you don't like any of the girls here! But, there is on girl that I will not allow you to toy with and that's  (y/n)!" She yelled at me after scolding me about sleeping around with some other girls. I chuckled and looked down at her "Mother, that's one girl that I won't EVER fuck. Even if she begged me to fuck her, I would never do it-" She slapped me. My mother slapped me. For the first time in 18 years, she actually hit me. With shock written all over my face, I looked back at her and said "You just slapped me... The first time in 18 years, you hit me... Just because I spoke the truth!?!" "No Rahkeid, what you said wasn't the truth. It was rude. Be happy your father didn't hear you say that, or else you wouldn't be breathing right now." She looked at the door then walked over to my bed and sat down. With a sigh she told me how (y/n) was dying. How no doctor could find a cure. How her parents is having a hard time with her because she doesn't care whether or not she dies. This was the first time I actually saw my mother with worried facial expression. She looked at me and said "Rahkeid, I'm telling you not to toy with her because she's not like other girls. She actually cares about who she hangs out with and dates. Her parents told me that she keeps all of her problems to herself and keeps all of her emotions inside. And because of that, it's causing stress on her mind and making it harder for her to function like she used to." I sat down on the floor and looked her in the eyes. "So, in other words... She's breaking on the inside and can't put her own pieces back together." "That's correct" she said moving some hair out of her face.

"Ruki noticed and attached herself to (y/n) without even knowing it. Ruki is helping her put the pieces back together, but slowly. Tsunade told me, that after you two met, she started going out more and talking to them when she saw them around the house." My heart skipped a beat for a second. I don't know why, but it did.

After mother finished talking to me she left and I laid down on the floor. Thinking about (y/n), my heart started skipping beat after beat. I grabbed my shirt and said "What's this feeling?"

End of Flashback

As I laid on the floor staring at the ceiling, I heard knocking on my door. "What?" I said not moving. The door opened and an unfamiliar voice said "Why are you on the floor?" A white haired guy stood above me with a calm expression on his face. I sat up and got a better look at his face, "Makishima" he smiled and said "It's been awhile hasn't it, Rahkeid." "Well, if it isn't Shogo Makishima. What do you want?!" I asked while laying back down on the floor. "Well," He said sitting down on my bed, "I heard that you live next door to (y/n)." I looked at him, "So what?" "So, I want you to stay away from her. She not like the other girls if you know what I mean" he looked at my window and his face changed from calm to disgusted. I couldn't help but wonder what his relationship is with her, but whatever it was, I wasn't something that I wanted to get involved with.

Thirty minutes went by and I was still laying on the floor. Shogo left 15 minutes ago, on his way out my room he told me that Ruki was at him and (y/n)'s place. They was there over night and left before he left to come here with.

I texted (y/n) trying to find out where she was with my little sister, but she didn't even text back. She read my text and texted me back an hour later.

Girl That Likes Taking My Little Sister: We're at the mall.

Me: Stay there!

Me: I'm coming to get my sister!

Girl That Likes Taking My Little Sister: She said that she doesn't want you to come and get her.

Me: I don't care!! I got in trouble because she decided to leave with you and you took her!!

Girl That Likes Taking My Little Sister: Read

"She left me on read?! I'm gonna-" my father walked in my room without knocking. He looked at me and asked "Why are you laying on the floor?" "Why are you in my room!?" I answered his question with a question and got up. I put on a shirt and walked past father and left the house.

-At the mall-

I was standing in front of the water fountain that was in the middle of the mall waiting for (y/n) to text me back. But she never did so I called her.

{On the phone: Girl That Likes Taking My Little Sister}


"Where the hell are you!?" I yelled

{Call ended}

《She just hung up on me!》I called again.

{On the phone: Girl That Likes Taking My Little Sister}

"Why did you hang up!?" I asked

"Because you was being loud and rude"

"Maybe I wouldn't be loud if you'd tell me where my sister is!!" I said raising my voice getting stares from people.

"Stop raising your voice, jerk!" She yelled

"Jerk! JERK! I'm not the crazy ass person that took Ruki from my house when I told her not to!!" I started walking towards the food court and saw Ruki in a clothing store.

"I wouldn't have taken her if you didn't piss her off!" I heard her on the phone and in the store.

I chuckled and hung up. She looked at her phone and said "He's so rude I swear!" I asked the cashier if there was a girl that was yelling on the phone and she pointed towards the dressing room where (y/n) was standing outside of one. "Ummm, sir?" I looked at the cashier with a 'yes' look. She continued "Is she your girlfriend?" I looked the cashier up and down, 《Tch, she's not as good looking as (y/n)...》 I thought and nodded at her question.

I walked up behind (y/n) and gave her a back hug. She jumped and tried to look at me, but I stopped her from turning her head around by putting my cheek on hers. "W-who are you?!" "Who else do you think? It's your lovely 'boyfriend' that came to get his 'daughter' back from his crazy ass 'girlfriend/baby mama'" I chuckled and backed away from her. She turned around and was about to slap me but I grabbed her hand and pulled her into my embrace.

"W-what do you think you're doing!?" She said with a flushed face. I chuckled at how cute she looked just now. "Because I wanted" I said moving my face closer to hers. She tried to back away, but forgot that she was in my embrace. She looked me in the eyes and stutter "C-could you let me g-go plea-" right before she could finish her question, someone came out of the dressing room and ended up pushing (y/n) in closer to me. Closer then what I was intending to be. So close that something that wasn't supposed to happen, happened.

The Model Student  (Rahkeid x Reader) {Hiatus}Where stories live. Discover now