Don't Leave

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Rahkeid's POV

After I picked (y/n) up from eating with mother, father, my aunt , uncle and cousins, we arrived at me and Landon's apartment. I looked over to see her sleeping in the passenger seat with her head on the window. I sat there staring at her for awhile admiring her beauty. I poked her side a few times to wake her up, "(Y/n), babe. We're here" I said taking her hand and kissing the back of it. She didn't move what-so-ever, so I shook her a little.

Still no movement,《She must have had a long day》I thought and got out the car to get her. As I was about to unbuckle her seat belt when I noticed her chest wasn't moving. "(Y/n)?" I said as I got closer to her face. I couldn't tell whether or not if she was breathing or not so I put my finger under her nose.She's not breathing!》I quickly got her out the car and went up to the apartment.

As I got in and went to my room, I laid her on the bed and tried to get her to wake up. "No matter what ye do, she won't wake up until late" a voice said next to me. I turned to see a man with long silver hair dressed in all black touching (y/n)'s cheek.《What the hell! Who is this guy and how did he get in here!?》I thought watching his every move. I tried to move but couldn't. The guy giggled a little "Don't get ye's panties in a twist. I'm not gonna hurt ye beautiful lady." He looked at me then back at (y/n) and continued "I'm sorry for the intrusion, but I've come to see how my little soon to be a reaper doing. And by the looks of it, she's making great progress. Hehehehe~"

"What do you mean by reaper and great progress?!" I asked. The guy didn't say anything or look at me, all he did was smile and kiss her on the forehead. I could feel my blood boil as he kissed and touched her. He then went to her ear and said something. I couldn't make out what he was saying but whatever it was made my blood boil over. "Get away from her!" I yelled now being able to move. I pushed him away from (y/n) and picked her up bridal style. I looked at him and asked "Who the hell are you!? How did you get in here!? What did you do to (y/n)!?" I guess Landon came home because he came in the room, "Rahkeid why the hell are you-" he stopped as I turned around and looked at him, "Wha-" "(Y/N)!! Dude what's wrong with her!?" He came over to me and (y/n) then wiped blood from her eyelids. "W-what... WHAT DID YOU-" the guy was gone.

Landon's POV

-At Tokyo's Hospital-

What's the meaning of this? Did (y/n)'s health get worse again? It could have... Her health was never this bad before...》 "Landon!?" someone yelled, pulling me out of my thoughts. It was Sakura Uchiha, one of Tsunade's co-workers. I looked at her with a confused look and said "What's going on?" "Geez, first your friend wouldn't calm down now you're not paying attention" she said hitting my head with her clip board, "You should go home. I already sent your friend home to get some sleep, you need to go home too. (Y/n) isn't going anywhere so don't wo-" "I'm not worried about sleep right now! What I am worried about is (y/n) dying! She's been fighting with this 'sickness' her whole life and guess what!? She hasn't gotten any better, hell if anything, she's gotten way worse then what you DOCTORS thought she would!" I said. I didn't need to sleep at the moment because there was no telling when she'll wake up or die. Then there was also Rahkeid, if he was in fact at home sleep and he woke up to see me there, then I wouldn't hear the end of it.

It's been hours since (y/n) was admitted into the hospital and she still hasn't woken up. She stopped breathing a few times, but it was long after when she would stabilize. Rahkeid texted me and came back to the hospital a few times checking on (y/n). I didn't tell him about how she stopped breathing a few times because if I did I wouldn't know what he would've done. He's crazy about her, not just as a fan, but also as a boyfriend.

"Lan...don.... Din....Din...." I opened my eyes to find my sister, Rosalie and Rachelle standing in front of me. I looked at the hospital bed to see (y/n) still asleep and in the same position. I rubbed my face and looked at Rosalie, "Where's Rahkeid?" "He's talking to some silver/gray haired man in the hallway" Rosalie answered.

Rahkeid's POV

"Wake her up, right now!" I said nudging the silver haired guy. He chuckled and smiled like everything was funny. Watching him smile like this pissed me off and made me want to punch him in the face. "I told ye that she must wake up by herself. I can't do anything or else she won't turn, Kekeke~" he said, my blood starred to boil again and I could feel the same pain that I had lived with before I met her.

Landon came out of the room, "Who are you?" He asked looking at the guy. He smiled and said "That's right~ I never introduced myself to anyone but (y/n)" he bowed and continued "I'm Adrian Crevan, but I'm mostly known as Undertaker." Landon and I looked at each other and exchanged a look of disbelief. I put my hand on my forehead and went back in the room.

I sat on the side of the bed holding (y/n)'s hand. Watching her chest go up and down slowly, I started to feel tears well up in my eyes and my anger subsided. "Please..." I whispered as I kissed the back of (y/n)'s hand, "Don't leave me. You're my world and without you my world would go back to how it was before I met you..." I started crying and put my laid my head on her stomach as I cried silently.

-30 minutes later-

Beeeep beeeep beeeep beeeep

《What's that noise!?》 I heard beeping noise and felt someone move me. Then people started yelling and things was crashing on the floor. "What's happening!?" A female's voice then a familiar voice, "What's happening doesn't matter right now! What does matter is bringing her back to life!" I finally opened my eyes and saw Tsunade and Sakura. I looked for the beeping sound and saw (y/n) with her gown opened and the machine that tells whether or not if the person is alive or not making the annoying noise with a straight line on it.

Landon had me and I started to get away from to make my way over to (y/n).《No.... no....》 "No!!" I ran over to (y/n) and cupped her face in my hands. I started patting her face softly with my right hand, "(y/n)... (y/n)! You can't do this!! You can't do this to me!! Please!! Wake up!!" I cried. I kept patting her face to make her wake up when Landon and our friend Taiga pulled me off of her, "Rahkeid, stop! Let Tsunade do her job!" Landon said, "Let me go! I have to be with her!" I fought to get out of their grip but failed. They dragged me out of the room and pinned me to the ground.

Everyone that was in the hallway was watching as they walked by, came out of their room, or came around the corner. I was still trying to get out of their grip when I saw that Undertaker guy and started yelling at him, "Give her back! Give her back to me you asshole!!" He came up to me, Landon, and Taiga then bent down to look at me, "Why don't ye calm down and wait for the outcome. Eh?" He got up and left quickly.

Narrator POV

AS the Undertaker left, Sakura came out of the room with a surprised look on her face. As she looked at the boys, she said "She's awake!" Everyone stopped and looked at Sakura then the door. In the room, Tsunade was standing not to far from the door and (y/n) was sitting in the bed looking out the window. "(Y/n)!" Rahkeid said running in the room and over to her, but Tsunade cried out "Rahkeid, no!"

"Argh! (Y/n)....."

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