This is Who I Want

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Rahkeid's POV

-At Rahkeid's house-

"Rahkeid~ Stop~ Please!" (Y/n) said in between laughs. "It tickles~" she tried to grab my hands to make me stop tickling her, but failed miserably. We've been in my room for about 30 minutes now and it's a hot mess. I was supposed to be packing up my stuff because Landon and I found an apartment. But, (y/n)'s been distracting me with her smart ass comments about how I won't do anything if me and Landon moves in together and talking about how we'll end up getting evicted. "Stop... Stop.... I said said stop damn it!" She yelled then kicked me off the bed, "What the hell!" "You should've stopped when I told you to the first time" she said looking down at me from the edge of the bed. I got closer to her face, "Why would I stop when I have a beautiful girl sitting in my room that has a beautiful laugh" I said. She chuckled "You should hurry up and finish packing so we can get the apartment" she kissed me and got off of my bed.

I was just about done packing when Ruki and mother came in. They went over to (y/n), grabbed her arms, then left. "...." I was just staring at the door waiting for something else to happen, but no. Instead I heard mother say something with the sound of a closing door after. I went downstairs to see what was going on and saw my dad standing in the kitchen doorway looking confused. "Father? What happened?" He looked at me then the door and shrugged his shoulders. I was about to go back upstairs when Landon came through the door with a 'Weird people' look on his face.

Mavis POV

Ruki wanted to have girls day with (y/n) and I wanted to know what was going on with her and Rahkeid. So, we decided to kidnap her and go to the nail salon. We was getting our nails and feet done, "Nee-Chan! It's been awhile since we spent time together, right!" Ruki said moving around in her seat. The lady that was trying to do her feet was laughing at how excited she was. (Y/n) nodded and had a little conversation with the lady that doing her feet when the lady said "Your sister is so cute." "She's my boyfriends little sister, but thank you" (y/n) said with a big smile.

I looked at (y/n) and asked the most obvious question, "Your dating Rahkeid?" "Yes ma'am," she answered "didn't he tell you?" I shook my head and smiled at her. She was telling how they started dating and everything, then she started showing me pictures of Rahkeid doing things that he wouldn't do for anyone.  "Eeee~" I squealed and hugged her tightly, "I'm so happy my boy found himself a good girl that can put him on the right path!"

After we got our nails and feet done, we met up with Zefer, Natsu, Lucy and their kids: Luna and Nash. It's been awhile since I last saw Luna, but Nash on the other hand doesn't know how to stay out of trouble. I'm always getting calls from either Ryn, Nova, or Emma saying that he got into something that he can't get out of. I used to wonder why they didn't call Lucy or Zefer until Lucy told me that Nash always get into trouble.

"Haha! (Y/n), you're funny!" Natsu laughed at a statement that (y/n). "Ummm... Mr Dragneel, I wasn't trying to be funny..." she said with a confussed look, Lucy reached across the table and touched her hand "We know you're not being funny. He's just stupid..." Lucy sighed and everyone laughed except for Natsu and (y/n).

We all had an amazing night. We talked, joked, and even complained about some people. But what really made my night was when (y/n) told us why she fell in love with Rahkeid and what made her give him a chance. "He's actually a good person. He has his ups and downs, lefts and rights. He's stupid, mean, rude, and doesn't care about what people thinks about him, but there's one thing that actually makes him a good guy" everyone looked at her as she looked at her cup of water, "Rahkeid, he... Well, how can I put this?" She looked up and looked straight ahead of her. I notice that she had made eye contact with someone. That could make her smile just by looking at them. "He maybe a stupid, mean, rude, and doesn't care about what people thinks about him, but he's kind. Sweet, loving, and would give his life for the one he truly loves."

She looked at her water again, "I'm not truly sure if I can help him the way Mr and Mrs Dragneel wants me to, but I dont want to see him continue going down the wrong path. I want to show him the world that he sees but yet hate because of the ugly things that on it. I want to show him the beauty of this world and love him like he is the world." A tear ran down my face as she finished and I sniffled.

I couldn't believe that there's actually a girl, no a young woman that actually loves my son for he is and not for his looks. I couldn't hold my tears in anymore and let them out. I was at a loss of words and all I could was hug Zefer. I tightened the hug and looked up at him, "We found her... We found the girl that we've been looking for honey. (Y/n) is the one that I want to marry him" I cried. I was about to continue when a someone said "She's the one that I want to marry too mother." I turned and saw Rahkeid standing behind.

Rahkeid walked over to (y/n) and kissed her forehead. She smiled at him and kissed him on the lips, Rahkeid looked me and Zefer and said "Father, Mother. This girl here is who I want to be part of my life. I wish to marry her." 

The Model Student  (Rahkeid x Reader) {Hiatus}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora