Ruki Dragneel

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Narrator's POV

Its been a month since the accident with  (y/n) and Ruki, Rahkeid's baby sister. Ruki has been wanting to go visit  (y/n) since the day after the accident, but Rahkeid refused everything by telling Thierry parents that he'll take her after they do something fun. Although Ruki met (y/n) that night and doesn't know anything about her, she has attached herself to (y/n). The young girl and their parents is aware of her attachment and why, but Rahkeid doesn't. Ruki knows that (y/n) is dying inside out and she can help her.

Within the month of (y/n) absence, Rahkeid and Yumi got together, rumors of Tyki and Lust getting back together started spreading and fast, and (y/n)'s health actually improved while she was in a coma. She woke early in the morning not sure where she was.

Readers POV

I slowly opened my eyes to find myself laying in a room that wasn't my room. I looked around and sit up. "Where am I?" "You're in the hospital" a voice sad. A voice that I heard before. A voice that I couldn't stand at all. "How's my health, Dr. Kao?" I asked looking at the man that was standing in front of the window. He turned and looked at me "Well, as far as your injury, your able to be discharged. For your sickness, your fine at the moment. While you was in a coma, the sickness slowly started to disappear, but not enough to say that your not longer in danger of dying." "Alright then" I said getting out of bed and stretching. I saw some clean clothes on the night stand by the bed and picked then up, "I would like to go home today. If you don't mind." "I don't mind at all."

I finally finished signing papers for me to be discharged and walked out of the hospital. The first thing I regret is not having a pair of sunglasses with me... But none the less, I was out of the hospital and going home. When I got home, Asami was the only one that was home and I didn't want to be in the house with her. "Hey big sis" she said glancing up at me then back at her phone. I went in the kitchen, got a snack and made my way to my home, "Hey..." I went in my room, closed the door, and laid down on my bed. Staring at the ceiling, I sighed and closed my eyes.

Rahkeid's POV

"I wanna see Nee-Chan!!" Ruki fussed rolling around on my bed. Yumi is over and Ruki has been ignoring her and fussing about seeing (y/n). "Ruki, Nee-Chan is in the room with us now..." "No! She's not Nee-Chan!! I don't like her, she's not nice like Nee-Chan!!" I slammed my hands down on my desk and looked at her. Yumi and Ruki jumped. "Damn it, I'm sick and tired of you calling that girl your Nee-Chan when I'm dating Yumi! Yumi is your Nee-Chan, not (y/n)!!" I yelled at her, she looked at me like I just broke one of her favorite toys and started crying "I hate nii-san!!" Then ran out of my room.

-20 minutes later-

Me and Yumi was sitting in the living room while Ruki was on the back porch coloring when someone rung the doorbell. I looked at the door then Ruki and said "Get the door Ruki" "Fine!" She said with an attitude and made her way to the door. I heard the door open, but couldn't see who it was. I was about to ask who was at the door when Ruki said "Nee-Chan!!" I got up and made my way to the door to find (y/n) in the doorway hugging Ruki.

She looked at me and asked "Are my parents here?" "Does it look like your parents are here?!" I growled. She looked at me with a look that she never gave me, "Why do you have an attitude?! I just asked a simple question and you give me an attitude... I don't care what your problem is, but what I do care about is that you show some respect to me since I'm showing you some.." She stood up and looked me in the eyes, then behind me.

She smiled and said "Hey Yumi" Yumi smiled and waved at her. (Y/n) looked at Ruki, patted her head and said "I'm gonna go now, ok Ruki" "Nee-Chan, can I come with you? Please?" I grabbed Ruki's arm "Your spending time with me and Yumi! Now close the doo-" "Nee-Chan please! I don't like her! She's mean and always around nii-sa-" I cut Ruki off and yelled at her "Ruki that's enough-" "Sure Ruki. I don't mind you coming along" (y/n) said grabbing her arm from me.

After (y/n) left with Ruki, I went upstairs to my room and called Tyki. As I was explaining to Tyki what he's 'girl' did, Yumi came in my room with a sad facial expression. Tyki sounded confussed, "So... What exactly did (y/n) do? Cause I'm not hearing what she did wrong. What I'm hearing is that Ruki likes (y/n) much more then she likes Yumi." Listening to Tyki tell me how I shouldn't be getting so mad at Ruki because of who she likes more. "Tyki, Yumi is my girlfriend and Ruki isn't going to talk about her like that-" "HAHAHAHA!" Tyki started laughing. "Your girlfriend! Dude since when did you ever tie yourself down to one girl! How many other girls are you seeing besides Yumi?" He caught me off guard. Tyki was right though, when I'm not with Yumi, I go out with either Star or Yui.

Readers POV

After I left Rahkeid's house with Ruki, we went to the park. Ruki told me what happened between her and her brother, why they was fighting. Also, how Yumi was using him and pretending to be a good girl. I laughed as Ruki continued to explain when we saw Yumi wall past on another guys arm acting all cute and stuff. "See Nee-Chan! She's a bad person!" I nodded and looked at the guy that was with Yumi and realized who it was when I saw Ruki get up and run over to Yumi. I got up and called out for her "Ruki no! Come back!"

"Your bad girl! You don't deserve my nii-san! Why are you lying to him, you big dummy!?" Ruki yelled and kicked Yumi in the leg. Yumi winced in pain and grabbed Ruki by her hair and started moving her head side to side violently. I ran over to them, released Ruki from Yumi's hold, and was about to punch Yumi when Tyki stopped me, "Let go of me Tyki!" He looked at me from head to toe, "Baby, calm down. If we talk about this, we can come to an-" I cut him off "Don't you dare call me baby after what I just saw..." he looked at me with a confused look. He opened his mouth to say something but I stopped him by putting my hand in front of his face and left with Ruki in my arms.

Rahkeid's POV

I was trying to get ahold of (y/n) the whole day because my parents was looking for Ruki when they came home a fee minutes after (y/n) left with her. I'm currently pissed off because:

1. Ruki was acting like a spoiled brat every since Yumi came in the picture

2. (Y/n) tried to tell me to show her some respect when she shows me respect

3. Tyki has no control of her whatsoever

And 4. My father yelled at me because Ruki was gone and I had no idea where she was

My whole day was just a pissed off day. I couldn't have decent day at all. The last time I had a nice day was the day after we moved to Tokyo. I sighed and laid down on my bed when suddenly I got a call. 《(Y/n)!?》 I thought as I picked up my phone and answered quickly. "Look here idiot!! Bring my sister back home now or I'll-" "I'm not an idiot and I don't have your sister man..." It was Tyki and he didn't sound to well. "What's wrong with you?"

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