Rahkeid and (y/n)'s Inner Self

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Narrator POV

Previously on Model Student

AS the Undertaker left, Sakura came out of the room with a surprised look on her face. As she looked at the boys, she said "She's awake!" Everyone stopped and looked at Sakura then the door. In the room, Tsunade was standing not to far from the door and (y/n) was sitting in the bed looking out the window. "(Y/n)!" Rahkeid said running in the room and over to her, but Tsunade cried out "Rahkeid, no!"

"Argh! (Y/n)....."

Rahkeid POV

I stood in front of (y/n) and before I knew it she was holding me in the air by my neck, choking me. "Argh! (Y/n)!?" I looked her in the eyes and realized that it wasn't her. It wasn't (y/n), my (y/n) beautiful light brown eyes were now a dark brown filled with hate and anger. As I tried gasping for air, Senri and Rima came in and helped me out of (y/n)'s hold.

Senri held (y/n) to the wall and told everyone in the room to get out, and we all did. After leaving the room, there was a lot of crushing and yelling happening. Sakura had scared expression on her face, Tsunadewas thinking, Rima had the same expression like always, while Landon, Taiga, Rachelle, Rosalie and I was shocked. A few minutes later Senri came out and closed the door behind him, "We have a problem..." "What do you mean 'We have a problem.' Of course we have a damn problem! (Y/n) done lost her fucking mind!" Taiga complained, I ran my hand through my hair and asked "What happened?"

-30 minutes later in the hospital cafeteria-

"What do you many we have to 'Send Ari back'?" Landon asked taking a sip from his water. Senri sighed "That (y/n) is the (y/n) that we were told to watch and make sure nothing happens to Japan, possibly the whole world..." as Senri continued to explain more about how he knew what would happen if we don't save (y/n), Rima pulled me to the side so that she could talk to me in private.

"Rahkeid, we don't have time to be sitting around talking. We need to find Adrian-" "What can Adrian do!? Nothing! Wanna know why, because he doesn't want to interfere with the process of her changing damn it!" Rima looked at me with the facial expression she always has, but her eyes on the other hand had a different look. A that you would never believe she would have. A look that could scare someone that known her for a long time. It was I look of anger and determination.

-At Undertakers Place-

Bang Bang Bang

I banged on the door repeatedly until Adrian opened up. "Yes~" he said on the other side of the door. I banged again to inform him as of to who's at the door, "Open and fix (y/n), damn it! I know that you know, that she's not acting like she's supposed to! Now help us save her or else everything and one is gonna die!" I yelled. I thought he was gonna say something back, but instead he came put of his house with a scythe and said "Let's go" in a very serious tone.

When we returned to the hospital, nurses and doctors where running around like they saw a killer clown. We dodged the running nurses and doctors, and found ourselves in front of (y/n)'s room. It wasn't like how we left it. It was damaged with purple smoke coming from under it. I started getting worried and swung the door opened. What I saw wasn't the sight I was hoping to see.

Adrian/Undertaker POV

After Rahkeid swung the door opened, he stopped and fell to the ground to throw up. "What... The hell..." the girl with pigtails, I looked down at the blonde hair boy and came up with an idea. "What?!" The kid said wiping his mouth, "I'm gonna need to use ye's  powers" I said spuatung down to be eye level with the boy. He looked at me with a confused look, "Ye do know that ye has a power right? That is why ye's parents is always moving to another city." "What are you-" he stopped talking and looked into space. "I don't know what you're-" I put my hand in front of his face and made him go to sleep.

About a minute later, Rahkeid woke up and as he woke up, black marks appeared on his skin and his eyes turned pure white. He stood in place for a second looking at his hands before he looked at me. "What do you want... Adrian" he said, the girl with pigtails was shocked and asked "What did you do to him?!" "Kekeke~ I did what need to be done. Ye wish to save Miss (y/n), correct?" She nodded, I turned towards the door and gesture insides for Rahkeid to understand what to do. He looked at me then inside the room and he's eyes got big. "Is that?! It can't be!!" He took a step closer to the door, "What is Ari doing in this world?!" He looked back at me before he opened the door.

"I would love to answer ye's question, but sadly I don't know either. That's why your here, kekeke~" I said opening the door for him and pushed him in. Closing the door behind him, I put up a barrier around all of the humans that was in the vacinty and around (y/n)'s door.

It was quite in the room for a good 30 minutes and nothing banging in the room anymore. So, I decided to go inside and take a look at the situation. Inside, there was two human boys on the floor bleeding out and Rahkeid was sitting on the hospital bed with Ari, (y/n)'s inner/true self. One could mistaken her as a grade schooler because of how small and innocent she looks if she were to wall around without causing trouble. But, she's actually a little Devil. "Well, well, well..." I said walking over the two boys on the floor and to Rahkeid and Ari. "You done made a mess again, Ari. You better have a good reason as of to why, young lady!" Now standing in front of the two, Ari jumped into my arms, "Adrian-nii~"

Narrator's POV

Days passed and everything went back to normal. Senri and Rima ignores everything that happened, Landon and Taiga woke up not knowing what all happened after they got knocked out, Rhakeid was trying to find out what 'power' he has that Adrian was talking about, Adrian went back to being his weird, creepy self working in his shop, and (y/n). Let's just say she went back to being her 'old self again.

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