Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed

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Warning: I stopped writing this story MONTHS ago. In other words, you will be sorely disappointed when you realize there is no ending. Also, do not ask me to be in the story as it is, in fact, basically dead.

I am only keeping this story out there for the memories.

Hi, folks, I'm David Bowie, or as you may know me better, Ziggy Stardust. I am currently on a break from touring for a few weeks. So, one morning, I woke up, and I was hit with a brilliant realization.

I need to throw a party.

Yeah, I know. It's not that brilliant. Well, it seemed ingenious when I first thought it. Actually, the more I think of it, the less ingenious it seems...

However, I think I still need need to throw a party. So, I after I get out of bed, I go down the hall into the guest bedroom to see my friend, Mick. Apparently, Mick Ronson was having some problems that he didn't want to go home, so I guess he's with me for the time being.

"Mick!" I say. "Get up, I need to run something by you!"

Ronno groans, rubs his eyes, and responds in his thick northern accent, "David, I literally just got up a few seconds ago, but what is it?"

"Tonight, Ronno my boy, we are going to throw a party at my place!" I answer.

"Ugh, you realize for the time being this is our place, right?" he groans, "So, why do you want to throw a party, tonight, and who are you going to get on such short notice?"

"Well, see, here's how you have a huge party on short notice. Just call up a couple friends, tell them to bring all their friends, and get them to bring their friends, and their friends, and so on until you have a good couple hundred people invited, or, uninvited rather."

"David, I don't think that's a great idea," Mick frets, "then you won't have a clue who's going to be here!"

I stand up and say, "Well, that's the fun of it!" I sigh and declare, "Mick, it's your choice if you want to be here tonight, but nevertheless there will be a party tonight!"

"Ugh, fine. I'll go to the liquor store and pick up some goodies."

"Oh, you won't have to worry about that, Iggy's going to be here!" I enthuse.

"Not Iggy!" he squeals.

"Of course Iggy."

"Well, if that's that, I'll put on some clothes, and start finding some random people on the street to have at the party," it was obvious that was intended to be sarcastic, but for some reason it found myself saying:

"That out to be great, hey, and try to get as many hot girls as you can, I'll be inviting the guys from Roxy Music, they'll appreciate that company, especially Brian," hey, Mick placed the offer, so I'm going with it. He finally rolls out of bed, and finds the pair of jeans and the T shirt left over from last night. He throws on a bold pair of platform boots, and motions for me to go down to the kitchen.

I pour us both cups of coffee, and then I say, "Yes, Mick. Today will be an amazing day!"

Mick chugs down the rest of his drink and responds, "Whatever. I'll go find your hot babes and poor, bored saps." With that, Mick was gone. It was time for me to begin the real work.

Hmm, who do I call first?
Marc Bolan POV

There is was, in the recording studio. For some reason, I slept over here because I was working on my album last night. Just as I got up, I hear the phone ring.

I answer, "Y'ello?"

"Good day, Marc!" Oh, it was David, what a nice surprise!

"Hello, David, what's up?"

"Party at my place, tonight, invite all your friends, okay?"

"Well, you're actually in luck, I just got finished cutting my new album last night, so I'm free, I'll try to see who I can get for you, okay?"

"Awesome, mate, I'll see you there!"
Brian Eno POV

Roxy Music was currently in the middle of touring, and so I found myself waking up in a hotel room with a good ten or eleven girls in my room, and, Andy? What's he doing in here?

I groan as I get out of bed, and unfortunately, the first thing I hear is the phone.

"Hey is this Brian or Andy?" It was Bowie on the other end.

"It's Brian," I reply rather groggily. "Hey, how'd you get the number for the hotel?"

"I called somebody. I just wanted to say that there will be a party tonight at my house and you, all the rest of the band, and all your friends are invited for a party at my joint!"

"Cool," I say. We both hang up and I shout to everyone, hoping I can wake everyone up, "Hey, everyone, party at David's house tonight and we're all invited!"

Andy roll over and replies, "Sounds swell, now go back to sleep!"

Phil Manzanera walks into the room and says, "Yay, I'll be there!"

"So will I!" says Graham.

Bryan Ferry shouts from the other room, "If all five of you dorks are going, then I'll be there too..."
David Bowie POV

Before lunch, I call Lou Reed, Iggy Pop, Alice Cooper, the guys from Queen, and of course Mick Jagger. Everyone says they'll be here! See, this is why my idea is ingenious, because I knew all my friends would be in town at the same time, wild, right? So, I sit down for lunch, and call up a catering place. Fortunately, I am able to get a substantial amount of food ordered in rather short notice. I decide my house is clean enough, and frankly, I really don't want to bother. Eh, may as well nap until the party starts.

I hope you like this first chapter, please comment and vote!

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