Dreamer's Ball

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So, as the fight between Brian and Lily seems to be continuing, all of the party goers continue standing back in excited viewing. "Guys, Hannah said we should give them some privacy!" Lee snaps, still sitting in Jimmy's lap.

"Oh, darling," he says, running his fingers through their hair, "Why ever would you want to do that?"

Lee takes a good look at the heated scene and says, "I guess you were right, Stephanie. This is some juicy shit."

"Thank you!" Stephanie responds a little too pridefully, "How much you want to bet he'll end up getting kicked in the cock?"

Better kicked in the cock then completely cock blocked...
Or maybe not...

Sara takes a bite of her cupcake and cries, "Come on, that's just sick!"

"How much you want to wager?" Judy says, pulling out a checkbook (where'd she get a checkbook?), "I'll bet against a kick to the balls!"

"I'm betting for it!" Elisa squeals. Great, now all the girls are coming around laying down money regarding whether or not Mr. Eno is going to get kicked where no man should get kicked while all of the guys look on, horrified. However, Grace looks on blankly, as I think she's why too high to even know what money is anymore.

"Wait, I thinks she's going for it!" Holly screams. "Oh, no! She just hugged him... Fight's over, guys." At that, I hear the shuffling of money between all of the girls and a great groan of disappointment. "Fuck, it's really over, they're making out!"

"Aw, that's no fun to watch!" Judy cries.

"Speak for yourself, I think romance is so hot!" Elisa looks on, "Aww, so sweet!"

Iggy and Lou come tumbling in out of nowhere, and Lou says, "You guys watched us have sex, making out is nothing!" Lou takes Iggy by the scruff of his neck and starts Frenching him. Lou presses him up against the wall and just goes to town.

"Come on, get a ping pong table!" Elisa says.

"Sorry, baby," Iggy says, releasing from Lou. Lou just puts his arms around Iggy, and then Iggy says, "So, what do we do now?"

At that, Brian and Lily come back, hand in hand, and she says, "Sorry about that guys, everything's alright now!"

Grace slinks over, "Or is it?"

"Really, it is!" Lily says through a little giggle. "Why are you all gathered by the window?"

"We were watching that fight hoping that you'd kick Brian's balls," Elisa says. Brian lets out a little yelp, clearly deeply cringing.

"I wasn't!" Judy declares. "I was watching hoping you wouldn't. That's what my money was on."

"That's sick," Lily says with an eye roll. "But whatever."

"That's what I said!" Sara says, and she and Bryan nod their heads in an odd unison.

"I tried to stop them, Lily," Hannah says, coming over to Lily. "I really did."

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