Baby's on Fire

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Thank you guys for being in this story and commenting, honestly this is making this book so awesome!

By the way, take a wild guess who's song this chapter is named for...
We all run to the bathroom, only to find Keith Richards and Keith Moon both desperately clutching the toilet.

"Oh, mighty toilet how have we disrespected thee to bring you to vomit upon us!" Richards says. Okay, I'm really hoping they're both on drugs right now...

"Ugh, Keef, the toilet just puked on us again!" Moon says.

"Ahhhh!" Richards screams.

"Guys, were you getting into Iggy's special substances?" I ask. I think I know exactly what happened now.

Moon laughs and answers, "Yeah, man! It was all going well until we got vomited on by the toilet."

Iggy comes out of nowhere and says, "Guys, that was acid! How much acid did you both drop?"

"Heh, a lot," and Richards also laughs in a really creepy way. Elisa and Judy come from behind me, and they both give the Keiths a worried look.

"Whoa, well, I've been looking for my boyfriend all night, and here I find him, high as a kite. How typical," Elisa says. She is clearly a little frustrated. "Oh, David, you know my manager, Judy, right?"

"Of course!" I say. Well, at least Judy's connection to music isn't limited to just having dated Brian Jones back in the day. Elisa and Judy pick Keith Richards up and lead him back out to the main party area. Keith Moon runs along to meet up with Alice.

Brian, Lily, and I all go back out too, where we are greeted by Holly, Mick, and Elisa. "Hey, guys, want to hear a joke?" Elisa says.

"What's the joke?" Lily inquires.

"I suppose you may not be aware, but Holly has a Ph. D. in microbiology."

"Oh," Lily says, "That's cool, but what's the joke?"

"The joke is where she's using that degree, why else do you think she's with Mick?" Lily and Holly both laugh a little at the joke, and even I chuckled a little. However, Mick's face goes beet red.

"Excuse me?!" he yells. "Hey, Keith, I think you're going to want to keep a leash on your little bitch!"

"What did you call my girlfriend?" Keith says. Keith immediately sobers up at the deep offense to Elisa. Judy picks up a lamp and starts walking toward Mick. "Who do you think you are to call my girlfriend a bitch, and one in need of a leash! She can do whatever the hell she wants! I, for one, prefer to not be a dick to my girlfriend."

Holly squeals, "Whoa, guys, calm down, we don't need to start a fight, here!" Both Holly and Lily look honestly terrified, but Elisa actually looks a little excited. As the two men come right up to one another, everyone at the party looks on with utmost interest.

Finally, they are standing nose to nose. "I'm sorry, my friend, but this is for Elisa's honor!" And he punches Mick on the nose. Then, Mick punches him right back. The two keep hurling punches at one another, Holly stands back in horror, and Elisa jumps up and down clapping her hands and yelling, "Go Keith!" Poor Marc and Hannah come right up next to me too, and Marc gives me a very confused and dismayed look.

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