Cosmic Dancer

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Elisa and I look out into the crowd, and she says, "So, what are we going to sing?"

"I don't know," I say, fearful Iggy will steal the microphone from me. Wait, he's inside banging with Lou Reed, what have I got to lose?

Keith Richards wakes up from his drug and alcohol induced haze and starts running for our makeshift porch stage. "Run! Guys, we have to go inside!" Keith runs headlong right across the stage through my window.

Oh shit...

Through the window. That's going to be a nasty repair. Keith stands up amid the broken glass, and the rest of the party crowd all run right in after him.

Marc comes up to me and the others in our little group and says, "So, I guess the show's over?"

"I suppose so," Brian says. Lee sighs as Brian leads them in, avoiding the area that is completely covered in glass shards. The other people in the group file into my house.

Grace puts her triangle back in her pocket and says, "Shall we go inside, dear?"

"Yeah, I suppose we should," I look behind me and see even Ringo and Keith Moon are getting out of the pool. As Ringo gets out, he laughs at the sound of his soaking socks on the cement.

I lead Grace by the hand into my home. Everyone looks at me for guidance, and Keith Richards says, "So, what's next on the agenda? Pin the tail on the host?"

"That sounds like fun!" Grace exclaims. She picks up one of the feathers that had been mindlessly shellacked around my house earlier and starts reaching for my ass.

"I want in on this!" Iggy shouts from the ping pong table. He rolls off and picks up another feather and starts coming after me with it. Before I know it, I am being chased around my living room by my girlfriend and best friend. They are both after my ass...

Finally, I run back into the area where Lee calls out, "Oh come on! Let's be more mature here!"

Hannah releases herself from a hug with Marc, walks over coolly and says, "My friend, you have been at this party, haven't you?"

"Yeah," they rolls their eyes, and begins to look like they are about to cry, "I came to this party wanted to be distracted from my problems! I wanted to forget my problems, but this party has become a problem in and of itself! I think I'm going to go."

Brian grabs their shoulder and says, "Lee! Please don't go."

"I think I have to," right then and there, the door swings open to reveal a mysterious curly-haired man. He looks a little confused, if not a little high. Lee's eyes open wildly as the man walks in.

"Bob Dylan, is that you?!!" Judy shouts in her drunken voice from the top of the stairs. She comes sliding down the pole and onto the floor. She runs to Bob and gives him a hug. See, now Judy is drunk as hell right now, so this is definitely behavior I would never expect out of him.

"I'm sorry I'm late, man. I was just getting high in my car and then I realized about ten minutes ago you were having a party! So, here I am," Bob holds his hands out, and apparently he brought his guitar with him. Almost everyone claps upon realizing Bob came to the party.

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