Beauty Queen

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There Lou just sits, holding his body to his chest, while Ringo keeps shaking his sock disapprovingly. "I'm ashamed of you, little man!" Ringo says, "So ashamed!"

"Get over yourself, Ringo!" Hannah says, "Can't you see poor Lou is having a hard time?"

"I have a question?" Lou begins.

"Then ask it, jaskass!" Judy squeals. These drugs and alcohol are clearly making everyone so silly, either that or they were always like that and I was too naive to notice.

"Ugh, fine!" Lou means, "I want to know why I can't just be in love with Iggy?"

Elisa sits down sympathetically, "It's like this, my friend," she clears her throat to speak, "You were with an idiot. We all love you, and feel you could do much better."

"I wouldn't say we all love-," Grace interjects, but I start coughing to get her to stop talking. Phew, that worked. I think her glittering bra is getting to her head, either that or everything is getting to everyone's head.

"Any boys or girls that want to take a round with Lou?" Marc asks genuinely. However, the lack of response makes him quite upset.

"I will!" I familiar voice screams.

"Iggy!" Judy screams, "Get the hell down from David's chandelier!"


"Iggy where are your clothes?" Lou asks quite gentlemanly. "I thought we agreed to keep our pants on?"

Iggy just keeps swinging though, and I stand away in horror. What is even happening? Oh, yes. A guest I willingly invited is swinging from my chandelier. "I'm coming down!" he screams. Finally, he falls butt-first down on a pizza that was on a table below.

"That's it!" Judy says, and she darts over to Iggy, Bob right behind her. "Prepare yourself for my lamp!" and just like that, both Judy and Bob beat Iggy with their lamps.

Bob says, "Hey, man. I'm sorry to tell you this," as he whacks him with a lamp, "But you are really bugging everyone here, and we would all appreciate if you went away."

Iggy rolls off of the table, and then literally just walks away. No words, just walking. "You know," Lou says, "On second thought, I'm a strong independent musician who doesn't need a man!"

"Good for you, Lou," Stephanie says. "I'm proud of you!" she sets down a drink, "Care for a celebratory conga line?"

Before anyone can do anything, again Stephanie and Roger lead everyone in a conga line. Freddie Mercury says, "This party is such fun, am I right?"

"Wow, thank you for stating the obvious!" Holly says pettily. Why is that girl so petty?

I just stand back, watching this oddness transpire around me. "I don't even get my own party anymore, seriously."

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