Walk on the Wild Side

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"Mmm! This cake looks so good!" Bryan says, cutting into the gorgeous desert. The suspense is killing me regarding what flavor the cake even is. Bryan's knife cuts right through the sumptuous sweet, leaving behind little yellow crumbs.

Yellow? Marble? Lemon? I need to know!

I try to ignore Iggy's loud breathing right over my shoulder, and the hundreds of pairs of eyes all staring in the cake's direction.

"I haven't been so hyped up with anticipation since I waited on finding out the gender of my child!" someone shouts. I don't even know who it is, but they must be enthusiastic.

Finally, a whiff of lemon hits my nose. It's a beautiful lemon cake! "Wow, man!" Grace says, "Lemon cake is like lemonade you can eat!"

It's just the drugs, it's just the drugs...

Quick as a flash, Bryan doles out slice after slice of cake. He works fast, and Sara takes a slice of the perfect desert and just sits down and chows down while Bryan rushes out the cake. Finally, he screams, "They're going to kill me!!" Bryan breaks down in tears before the monstrous cake, and he is carried away by Brian, Sara, and Lily.

Iggy hops in from behind me, fully clothed in a T-shirt with little lemons printed all over it and a jean jacket. "I'm here to save the day!"

Everyone gasps, and finally Judy says, "What the hell is that guy doing wearing a shirt?"

Hannah squeals, "I don't know, but it's scaring the hell out of me! He's actually modestly dressed!!"

I hear the poor screams of hysterical party goers, and finally Iggy says, "Fine! I'll take my shirt off!"

"I bet you enjoyed that, douche canoe!" Lee snaps. They and Jimmy both flash disapproving looks at Iggy. "Ugh, I'll show you my perfection in the dark arts!"

Some people gasp, and Lily jumps in front of Lee and says, "Please, none of that! It kind of scares me!" She ascends the staircase and declares, "There will be no satanism at this party!" She jumps down, is caught, and crowd surfs along a whole line of people, where she finally reaches Judy, who just kind of let her fall to the ground.

But it's my party!

Elisa gives her manager a bit of a dirty look, and then finally Judy sasses, "What?! I could have whacked her with a damn lamp!"

Lily moans from the floor, "Thanks Judy."

Brian Eno rushes over from cake duty and peals her off the floor. "Please tell me she hasn't had any of Lou's special concoctions!"

Grace sips her lemonade and says, "I hate to tell you this, because you're such a nice guy and all, but probably." She pokes at some ice and continues, "Just take her to the bedroom or something. Now, can we get back to the cake already?!"

"Oh right, baby!" Iggy says, "Lou, honey, can you help me?"

"Of course!" Lou rushes over to fill in Brian's spot at the cake. The slices flash by like nothing, until all the people are satisfied. There is still a bit of cake left, and I smile, knowing that I can finally have a slice. However, Grace runs over and jumps into the remainder of the cake, consuming all of it. She writhes on the table, and Iggy runs away, a little intimidated.

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