The Prettiest Star

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Bryan Ferry is beaming from the front row of our little show, which I guess is pretty official now. Elisa and Grace are taking in all of the amazing praise of the crowd, particularly Bryan. Now, this may seem like an innocent scene, but I can tell you something very bad is going to happen. Bryan is drunk beyond belief, and unfortunately, I've never seen the man drunk, so I don't have a clue how he will act.

I whisper to Keith, "Any idea what we should play next?"

"Um, Louie Louie?" Keith says.

Before I can even react, Iggy pushes me out of the way and says, "Hell yeah!"

Elisa and I back away, and she has a look of pure confusion. Keith and Brian awkwardly begin the jam...
[begin the video at forty seconds]

Iggy dances around wildly, and Keith actually really begins to get into the jam. Grace's punk triangle adds a layer to the song unlike anything we had heard before. The crowd becomes more and more riled up, though, considering how wild Iggy is getting. I try to ignore that though and just enjoy it, though. Finally, I catch my breath as the song ends, Iggy does a ridiculous bow, and then he scurries back into the crowd.

I hug Grace, and then whisper, "That was odd, eh?"

"Odd maybe," she whispers, "But in a fun way." Now everyone looks around at each other, and then Grace dings on her triangle and announces, "Hey guys! We're going to take a break!"

Keith and Brian set their guitars down. Lee greets Brian and they both go off together, and Elisa leads Keith over to Lou to go get something to drink, assuredly. "So, what do you want to do, Grace?" I ask.

"I think we should go over to Lou!" Grace says. "I think I'd like to get me some lemonade!"

"Are you sure he makes virgin beverages?" I ask.

"I'll just say yes!"

"Quick warning, if he offers your drink with something special, don't take it, just don't. I did and I passed out," and then I laugh.

"Yeah but if you never passed out, we wouldn't be together now!"

Judy comes over sipping on a little fruity umbrella drink saying, "That's really screwed up, man." She continues sucking on the drink and then continues, "This is delicious, man! I swear, Lou is my favorite person here right now, man."

"I can see that," I say as we get into Lou's line.

Marc is standing is line too with Hannah,and she says, "Say, you had a Lou drink, how was it?"

"It was delicious, until I passed out...," I respond with a smirk. Hannah and Marc give each other disturbed looks as they get out of line together. I continue to awkwardly stand with Grace.

Elisa downs yet another drink from Lou, actually, I think she's had three or four from him at this point, and then says, "Oh, God!" and runs right for Mick Jagger, at which point she throws up all over him.

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