What Should Change is Really me

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AN- This is a short author's note, but I'd love it if you'd check out this album called 'Tomorrow is Nearly Yesterday and Everyday is Stupid' by 'crywank'. It's really good and if you like sad acoustic songs with deep meanings then it's for you. Please enjoy and leave a comment so I know if you like it or not!

The beginning of the school year was much the same as their other years at Hogwarts. They slept, they went to classes, studied, and then slept again. This couldn't last when their new defence against the dark arts teacher began talking to them about random bits and bobs and speaking about Harry's mother, Lily Snape. 

Harry hung onto every word and basked in the adventures of his mother and father. He heard of how disgusted Lily had been when she had found out that James had liked her and had begun to date Severus in their last year of school. And he'd found out how Lily had been in the order of the phoenix as a force for light, believing that murder was wrong and that they should have justice against the death eaters.

"Lily and Severus had been best friends since before they started Hogwarts." Sirius had told him in remembrance. "When they came to Hogwarts they were sorted into different, rival houses. Not all Gryffindors are bad. I'm a Gryffindor and your father knows that not all Gryffindors are bad."

Rolling his eyes, Harry moved so that his legs were crossed more comfortably. The fireplace let off a soft, orange glow which warmed the two in the cool of the dungeons. Harry found he rather liked the Gryffindor. He was humorous and kind and had great morals.

Harry pondered on that for just a second. What were his morals? 

"So your father and I didn't get along during school. James and I caused havoc and because he liked Lily he'd bully him. He said that he bullied Sev because he was a slytherin which meant he was evil and I, being me with a whole family of evil slytherins, believed him."

The story finished and Sirius changed the subject suddenly, a small and wondering smile on his face as he said his next words to Harry in a slightly high-piched and questioning voice which made Harry curious.

"Did you know that I am your Godfather?" Harry blinked. No, he'd not known that and he hadn't thought about it. His father wasn't likely to die anytime soon so he didn't think about what would happen if he did. His inner-Grindlewald cursed him for not being prepared for such a tragady. But he wasn't Grindlewald. He was Harry Snape.

"No. But I'm glad it's you and not someone who I wouldn't get along with. I quiet like you and you are a good friend to my father." Harry said, smiling slightly. "Anyway, Godfather, have we anything else we can disguss?"

"You are too formal for your age. Father? What is this, the eighteenth centuary? Call him dad, kid. Relax a little." Sirius said comically. Harry smiled, amused by the mans attitude. Within a few minutes they were in a heated discussion about school. 

Their disgussion had got Harry thinking; why should he act like he did? Just like Sirius had realised that Gryffindors are no better the Slytherins, shouldn't he realise that wizards are no better than muggles?

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