•Part 1•

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We all have that one day that changes our lives forever. Mine was in college. I suddenly went from the good girl to the rebel.

Oh yeah I almost forgot I'm Suzie. I know what you're thinking "old-fashioned right". I get it all the time. I'm just you're average 19 year old whose kind of addicted to drugs and alcohol. What can I say... oops?

It was just another average party and I knew exactly what I'd be doing and who I'd be doing it with as usual.

Jess, Colby and Emmett my weedie buddies as we call each other. We're a tight-knit family of 4 that no one fucks with. Just due to how intimidating we were which I find quite funny because we're all softies really.

I checked my outfit over, which consisted of an oversized shirt draping off my shoulder and my brown locks cascading down my shoulders and down my back. I decided white converse would be my best bet for shoes since my shirt was white.

I grabbed my bong and my bud bag then left my room to be greeted by Emmett and Colby.

Colby was wearing a black top with some writing on it, but I didn't take much notice. Emmett was in a white top.

"Twinning much" Emmett spoke, laughing at our coincidental similar outfits.

"Where's jess?" I spoke, looking around for my blonde, best friend.

"She's on her way apparently but we haven't seen her" Colby spoke, scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay we will just head up and see if we bump into her" I spoke, as the lads nodded.

When we arrived at the party, the music was booming causing a slight vibration to run up my spine.

"Upstairs or outside?" Colby spoke

"Wherever tickles your pickle" Emmett spoke causing us to laugh

"You're so random" I spoke through giggles

We began to walk outside when someone caught my eye.

He was tall and had brown curly hair. His facial hair making him look older than his age. That's when I saw Dave. I began to walk over.

"Hey Dave!" I spoke, giving him a fist bump

"Hey Suzie, have you seen jess?" He spoke looking around.

"I was about to ask you the same question" I spoke chuckling.

"She's not with you?" He spoke curiously.

"Nah it's just me Emmett and Colby. More than welcome to join" I spoke nudging his arm lightly.

"Ermmm I might do actually. Do you want too?" He looked at the mystery man.

"C'Mon Dave you never let anyone dictate to you" I spoke looking between him and the stranger.

"Well he does when I'm his older brother and who might you be?" The mystery man spoke down at me.

"I'd watch your fucking tone, I'd hate to see a dent in that pretty little face of yours" I spoke growling at him.

"Sorry, who let the dog out of its cage. You're 5 foot nothing. Go to bed." I clenched my jaw and looked to Dave.

"Dude, I wouldn't piss her off" Dave spoke to his cunt of a brother.

"I'll piss whoever I want to piss of-" I cut him off mid sentence with a right hook to his jaw.

He stumbled back, surprised by my actions.

"Well then, looks like you just got stunned out by a 5-foot nothing girl. So I would shut up if I was you" I spoke. He wiped the blood off his lip and looked at me.

"Care to take this outside? I'd hate for people to see me hit a girl." He spoke inching closer to me causing Dave to stand in and push us apart.

Suddenly, I felt two arms wrap around my waist.

"Hey baby doll, how about we go ups-" before he could even finish I punched him square in the face: As soon as he saw my face he crawled off back into his little nobody life.

I glanced at the mystery man.

"We can take this outside if you really want to" I threw him a sarcastic smile and glanced at the door. He cocked an eyebrow up at me and looked towards the door

"Ladies first" we spoke at the same time. Glaring each other down.

I spun on my heels to bump into jess.

"where have you been?" I spoke, enveloping her into a bear hug.

"I was at my dorm. My fucking heel broke. How shit" she spoke causing me to laugh.

She went over to Dave and gave him a light kiss. Oh did I forget to mention they're dating?

"I see you've met James" jess spoke to me, smiling more than usual.

"Yes, I have" I spoke through gritted teeth.

"Good, we're going on a double date tomorrow" she giggled and threw her arms around Dave.

I looked at James and began to walk off, I turned the corner to be greeted by a stoned Colby and Emmett.

"For fuck sakes guys, you could've waited for me" I spoke laughing. Beginning to light a spliff.

"You shouldn't smoke, its bad for you" James spoke down my ear

"You shouldn't be here, I'm bad for you" I spoke taking a drag of the spliff and a glug of jack Daniels.

"Are you smoking weed?" James asked sniffing the air.

"What's it to you" I spoke back trying to argue again.

"Jesus you're a lot of work... I dig it" he moved slightly closer and I just glared at him

"Jog on dream boy" I laughed, the weed noticeably kicking it.

"If anyone's dreaming, it's you" he laughed examining my state.

"Shut up you freak" I spat at him, turning on my heel and walking towards the rest of the group.

God he's a pain in the arse.

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