•Part 15•

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Suzie's POV

I'm back at the Cabin sitting at a table with James and Otis and you could cut the tension with a knife. Not only did I ditch Otis for James but Otis also works for the black dragons which means he's here to kill James and I can't let that happen...

I was sucked out of my thoughts and brought back into the room with James saying my name sharply


"sorry what?" I asked

"You okay? You seem out of it" James stared at me with a puzzled look on his face.

"yes I'm fine thanks" I replied.

"anyway I was telling Otis here about..."

His words trailed off as I sunk back into my dark thoughts.

Well I can't exactly kill Otis considering James doesn't know my past but if I don't do anything then James will die... What the fuck do I do...

Again my thoughts were interrupted by James announcing that he was off to the toilet.

"don't go getting too close you two" James said with a smirk across his face.

I waited for the door to the bathroom to shut and lock before I said anything.

"what the fuck are you doing here?" I asked in an angry quiet voice.

Otis spoke smoothly "what do you think Suzie? I'm doing the job you can't seem to finish" he smiled eerily at me.

"you so much as lay a finger on him and I swear to God"

"what? What will you do Suzie? You won't do anything because you don't want James to know about your dirty little secret do you? Does he even know the real you? I don't think so"

My rage changed into distraught. He was right, there was nothing I could do. James was everything to me now and I couldn't risk losing that again yet here I am at a choice that seems impossible to make. Do I kill Otis or do I just run and don't look back? Put all this behind me, even James and go back to England. I had just a moment to decide... A split second choice that would change everything.

The choice was made... I grabbed the steak knife next to me and launched across the table at Otis gashing his arm open with a slash of the knife. He groaned and tightly grasped where the knife connected with his skin.

"I'll fucking kill you!"

All my rage had burst out at once and it was funnelled into one task. Killing Otis.

His face changed within the blink of an eye going from proud to enraged i lunged again plunging the knife through his chest. His eyes wide in fright.

"Oh Suzie.. what have you done?" He spluttered out. Falling to the floor in a wave of crimson liquid.

I dragged his limp body into the cupboard.

"James... we need to leave" I spoke grabbing his arm fear etched like a drawing flowing over my face.

"Why what's happened? Where's Otis gone" he spoke scanning my face.

"He wasn't good James. He had to leave" and at that I broke down into a fountain of tears.

"What? Where is he?"

I pointed a shaky finger towards the cupboard.

His heavy footsteps vibrated my body through the tears.

"WHAT THE FUCK SUZIE!" He screamed slamming the door shut.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" He screamed coming back over to me. My body curling into a ball.

"Suzie please explain to me what the hell is going on and why the hell is there an impaled body in our cupboard?" he spoke still shaken from what he had seen.


"so Suzie you've been here for a month now. and your work has outstood all our expectations but you still need to complete the last task to start your membership within our group." Steve spoke. his gruff voice echoing his empty office.

"yes boss." I spoke trying to mask my uneasiness in the situation.

"you need to do something about the man who caused you all this pain. you need to kill him" Steve spoke. his words stabbing my heart over and over. James had hurt me very bad but I wouldn't go as far as killing the man. At the end of the day id get back with him  in a heartbeat if I could.

"I don't know if I can Steve. I love him." I spoke my words barely a whisper.

my feet were off the floor in an instant and a callused hand engulfed my throat.

"you kill him or we kill you." he spoke whispering in my ear. the sharpness of his words echoing in my ear drum.

"I can't do it Steve I really cant."

"if you don't we will. you have a week. say your goodbyes to him then kill him" he spoke - His words final.

"o-ok. I'll l do it" I spoke the tears welling in my eyes.

"good girl Suzie it will be over before you know it!" he rested a hand on my shoulder throwing me a reassuring smile to which I smiled back. disguising the burning pit of vomit burning my stomach.

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