•part 14•

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*A month later*

James POV

Her small figure curled up into my side as I wrapped my arm around her. Her gentle skin sends tingles down my spine. I couldn't help but watch her sleep. The way her eyes slightly twitch, her eyebrows furrow. She was amazing and best of all she was mine.

We ran away together in hopes of escaping suzie's past which she neglects to tell me about.

The way her eyes drop into guilt and sadness persuades me not to ask. Her green eyes become dull at the questioning.

a small shack in the middle of no where. Surrounded by wildlife. Is where we begin our life together.

The tall trees captured our house in an eerie shadow. The log cabin lit by the fire with a bed for a sofa.

I looked down at my girlfriend sleeping soundly beside me as the fire crackles away in the background

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I looked down at my girlfriend sleeping soundly beside me as the fire crackles away in the background.

My white shirt adorning her body, the pale fabric illuminating her face. Seeing her so peaceful reminded me of the first time I met Suzie, how beautiful she was, and still is, and how bold and confident she was at that party... Looking at her now and how much she's grown over the past few years brought a slight smile to my face. How was I so lucky to get her back? After how I treated her after... Everything?

I got lost in my own thoughts until the silence was broken by Suzie wriggling in bed. She rolled over and her Emerald eyes stared right through me... How could this girl have so much power over me?

"what's wrong?" Suzie asked.

"nothing, just thinking about how lucky i am to be in this cabin with you."

Suzie blushed and buried her head under the duvet of the bed

"shut up James" she giggled.

"Anyway, I need to get ready because we can't live off air so I'm going to find a shop and get some groceries." I exclaimed

Suzie piped up from under the duvet "I'll come with!"

She seemed over excited but I didn't mind. We both got up and got changed into something more socially acceptable than just our underwear and headed for the front door.

We wandered around for a while until we came across a sort of main road that led into a small village, in the distance I could see a small stop & shop sign.

"over there!" I pointed out the sign to Suzie and her eyes lit up

"finally we've been walking for a while and I need a drink."

"yeah same." I said.

We walked up to and went inside the stop & shop and walked down each Isle filling the basket with what we needed and some optional extras. Suzie threw in some waters and we headed towards the till until Suzie stopped dead in her tracks.

" what's wrong?" I asked.

There was a long pause before she replied.

"nothing, I just don't feel so good" she quietly mumbled.

"well we're almost done here so-" my speech got cut off by someone shouting my name.

"James is that you?" the voice sounded so familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Then it clicked when I saw the stranger.

"Otis! Fancy seeing you here" it was Otis, I hadn't spoken to Otis in at least two years.

Otis and I used to be really close back in the day but we just kind of drifted. However seeing him here brought back some good memories.

"yeah I've been good mate. What about you?" he said.

"yeah I've been good... Just moved here with my new Girlfriend Suzie. Suzie this is-"

"I know who it is" Suzie said bluntly.

"oh?" at this point I was confused as to how Suzie knew Otis... Did I introduce them?

"yeah I used to date Suzie way back when but it was never anything serious was it Suzie?" Otis chuckled as he said this.

Suzie again replied bluntly "no."

Despite there being tension between Suzie and Otis I decided to invite Otis round for lunch so we paid and all walked back to the cabin.

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