Part 17

17 1 0

Suzie POV

We boarded plane and settled into our seats as quick as we could. Our flight was already delayed as it was. We both sat down in our seats which is when I noticed something odd. An agent from the black dragons also boarded the plane which wasn't good.

James noticed my uneasiness and asked:

"Hey you okay?"

"an agent just boarded the plane... We may be in for a restless flight" I smiled eerily at James. "whatever you do, keep your head down and keep out of my way if shit hits the fan"

"okay okay"

We both sat back and tried to relax but I was on edge. The plane began to get towed towards the runway. The engines began to spool up and the plane began to pick up speed along the runway before taking off.

Well this may be a very long flight

Once we were up in the air I noticed that the agent who I saw board the plane was moving in his seat a lot which was when I noticed the knife he pulled out. I turned to James to warn him but he was fast asleep which was good as he wouldn't get in the way.

I scanned the plane to see how many more agents there were and I identified around ten, maybe a few more.

About three hours into the flight I walked into the toilet and locked the door behind me. I began to devise a plan in my head on how I was going to go about this... I had to protect James and myself.

There's ten agents, nothing too difficult but I haven't been in the field for a while. I have to be careful and alert to make sure I don't fuck up. Come on I can do this. Just get the knife and you're set.

I went over my mental plan and finally settled on it. I don't know why but a sudden feeling of calmness came over me which made me uneasy, it felt inhuman to feel so calm in this situation but that was how I, was trained.

I walked out of the toilet and walked so I was  in line with the first agent, just as he lifted the knife I reached and snatched it from him. I drove the knife straight into his heart and his suit began to soak up all the blood leaking out. I twisted the knife and yanked it out to make sure he wasn't going survive.

9 more people in suits stood up.

These must be the agents then... I was correct about the number.

I began to walk towards my second target who was a few rows down. He didn't have a weapon.

He swung his fist at me and I caught his arm and stabbed the knife into his underarm and ripped it down his muscle. I pulled it out of his arm and rammed it into his eye socket. Twisted it and pulled it out. What was left of his eye leaked out of the socket followed by blood and then he dropped to the floor.

The next agent had a knife which he lunged at me, I managed to stab my knife straight into his hand making him scream in pain and drop the knife, I then proceeded to jab him repeatedly in the side which finished him off.

3 down

I suddenly got knocked over and before I could react I had another agent on top of me punching me, I tried my best to block but he got a few hits in before I reached for the pen in my pocket and slammed it into the side of his neck, severing his jugular which caused a fountain of blood to gush out of the hole in his neck. He gripped at his neck but to no avail as he slowly dropped off me to the side.

Before I could even reach for my knife another agent charged at me so I jumped at him, wrapping my legs around his waist I began to pummel his face until he was on the floor and I didn't stop until his whole face was just a bloody, twitching pulp.

5 down

The remaining 5 agents began to move down the plane towards me, and the first I got to had knuckle dusters so I had to be careful. I waited for him to swing and then ducked under his punch at the last second and delivered​ to quick punches to his ribs which made him slump over. I grabbed his head and pulled him into a choke hold. I slowly made it tighter and tighter before performing a sharp movement to snap his neck. I heard the crack and let him drop. I retrieved my knife and carried on.

I couldn't help but smile as I released all my pent up rage. This was what made me sign up in the first place and I loved the rush of taking another life.

I sprinted at the next agent and went to stab straight through his chest but he managed to block the attack by pushing my hand at the last moment. This left me open but luckily I was quicker than him so I reached round the back of his head and slammed it off one of the seats. I then skewered my knife through his jaw and up into his mouth before twisting it and ripping it back out. He dropped to his knees and I kicked him in the chest to finish him off.

7 down, 3 to go

I moved in on one of the remaining agents and kicked his joint on his leg to break his leg. This made him drop to the floor before I took the serrated part of the knife against his throat and slashed it. Blood sprayed everywhere as he dropped to the floor creating a huge puddle around himself.

The last two agents both came at me at once. As the first swung I jabbed the knife into his gut and turned to kick away the other agents attack before stabbing him through the neck. I ripped the knife out of his neck and punted the remaining agent in the face and he fell to the floor face down. And climbed onto him and pulled his head up by his hair.

"why won't you leave me the fuck alone"

"we just got the orders to take you and James out, please I'm just following or--"

Before he could finish his sentence I slit his throat and watching him gargle and drown on his own blood.

I stood up and looked around the plane... It was a mess. Blood and bodies were everywhere and I was soaked in blood. My knife dripping as well.

I slowly walked over to James, who was still fast asleep, and sat down. The thrill I felt through all of that was the greatest feeling I'd had in a while but I was exhausted. I slumped into my chair and dropped the knife next to me before falling into a deep sleep... There was a lot to explain to James when I woke up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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