•part 4•

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I woke up with a banging headache and the sun shining through the blinds.

The faint noise of the shower running making me think jess is home. I usually walk in and pee when she's in the shower anyway.

As I stepped through the bathroom door the shower switched off and the door flung open.


"SHIT JAMES. EW OMG. NO THANKS" I spun on my heels as fast as I could and sat on the sofa traumatised by what I just saw.

"You loved it really" James entered the room with a towel around his waist.

"What are you even doing here" I groaned as the light hit my face.

"We slept together last night" he spoke wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah okay. And I'm Oprah Winfrey" I looked at him dead in the eye.

"I was high not delusional" I spoke again as he walked towards the bathroom.

"Hey Suzie" he spoke causing me to turn around to be greeted with him bare ass in the doorway.

"Get your shit and leave Franco. I still don't like you" I shouted getting up and going into the kitchen.

I began to cook myself some breakfast. This consisted of bacon, egg and a toasted bagel.

"Could you make me one darling?" I felt two arms wrap around my waist. I politely removed his arms and walked towards the fridge.

"Since jess still isn't back and I was expecting her to be, you can have hers" I spat.

I turned around a little too quickly and hit a hard warm rock. Also known as James.

I lost my balance and hit my head on the fridge.

"Fucking bastard" I hissed holding the bleeding mark on my forehead.

I looked up at James who had his back facing me and was lifting things out of the way. I couldn't help but watch his predominant back muscles tense as he moved things. The sight making the room heat up a tiny bit.

When he turned around I noticed his faint six-pack, v-lines and tattoos.

"Damn... ermmm shit this hurts" way to go Suzie you fucking idiot.

"Can you get up or?" He looked at me.

"I should be fine, keep an eye on the bacon for me please" I pouted at him.

"Fine, then I'll sort your head out" he turned the bacon over as I sat on the counter. He began to dab my wound and I couldn't help but stare into his eyes.

"Admiring the view?" James spoke

"Ye-no don't be so vain" what's getting into you Suzie? Snap out of it my gosh. His chocolate eyes pierced my blue ones as he moved in closer slowly

Wait. Did I want this?

Did I want him?

Do I even like him?

All these thoughts burst through my mind but vanished as jess burst through the door


"Oh ERM. Did I interrupt something?" Jess spoke.

"No" I quickly replied, hoping it wasn't too quick.

"Actually James was just leaving." I chirped up at the thought and looked at him.

"Yeah I was I guess" he scratched the back of his neck causing his muscles to flex.

"Without a shirt?" Jess questioned folding her arms.

"Yeah! Love the wind me!" He smiled and left.

"Tell me everything now." She spoke causing me to sigh

I replayed everything to her and she jumped up and down in glee.

"I still don't like him though. I only did it for you. To make you happy. I'm sorry but he's a dick... I couldn't" I sighed and stood up going into the kitchen

"He's staying round for pizza and a sleepover" Jess spoke.

"Erm, no he isn't" I replied stirring my coffee.

"Yeah he is. YOU just text him" I heard her giggle.

"What did you do?" Walked back through looking at my phone in her hands snatching it off her and reading the texts

Me- hey baby, pizza and sleepover at mine tonight? Bring some beers? ;)

"Baby... fucking baby. He will know that isn't me." I said these words as my phone pinged.

James- knew you'd change your mind. See you at 8 ;) xx

"What have you done" I mumbled into my hands staring at the texts in front of me.

"I have got you yet another date with a guy you know you find attractive and don't even lie I saw the way you looked at him shirtless" she mocked my facial expression causing me to go bright red.

"Never do that again please... ever" I mumbled into my hands.

"Anyway sweet cheeks, probably want to tidy your place up it's a bit of a shithole" she kissed my cheek and stood up

"See you later baby cakes" she walked out the door and I looked around.

"Shit this place is actually a shithole" I spoke to myself looking around.

I began to pick up the rubbish and about two hours later I had a tidy clean dorm room.

Just as I sat down to rest I realised I smelt so went for a shower.

"Shit 7:30" I spoke aloud again rushing around to spray the place and rid the smell of weed and fags. Lighting a few candles as well to cleanse the air... hopefully.

I plumped up the pillows and led down. Finally, a break.

Just as I put my head down the doorbell rang causing me to groan.

The devil has arrived and I already feel like I'm in hell.

ShameTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang