•Part 3•

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I smoothed my dress over in the mirror. I can't believe out of all the people jess could send me on a double date with its James. He's a prick.

"HONEY IM HOME!!" Jess shouted.

"I kinda brought some people" she said low enough so I only just heard her.

I spun on my heel to be greeted by Dave and James with jess in jeans. FUCKING JEANS.

"Are you having a fucking laugh." I glared at her

"Look, I'm sorry I brought j-" jess began to speak but I cut her off.

"How come I'm stuck in a tight and uncomfortable dress with pure lace pants that you don't want to know where they are rubbing and fucking heels but you get to wear jeans and trainers" I shouted.

"Because... ikindaliedaboutthedoubledatebecausejamesforcedmetooandnowifeelbadbecauseyouaremad" she spoke fast and pouted.

"You're so dead" I pecked her cheek and then whispered in her ear.

"I'll do this once and only because you want me to. I still hate him" I whispered to her and she started to chuckle.

"Ready ass hole?" I sighed facing him

"Sorry ass hole isn't ready will I do instead?" He looked at me smirking. God he knew how to press my buttons.

Just going to skip the dead silent walk to the restaurant.

"What are you having?" He asked scanning the menu.

"Whatever you don't like" I snickered

"That's a shame babe I like everything" he spoke. His lips teasing the edge of his cup.

"Stop doing that" I spoke dead staring him.

"Why? Turn you on?" He spoke seductively.

"No darling, to be perfectly honest you look like a twat" I smiled at him sipping my wine as he dead stared me.

"Awe can ickle James not handle the truth" I pouted and ruffled his hair as we sat next to each other in a booth.

"It's on." He spoke flatly. His eyes not leaving mine for a second. I was kind of intimidated but also kind of intrigued by him.

He's so mysterious yet so seductive. Yes I hate to say it but it was true.

Before I knew it my food had arrived.

I settled on carbonara and James had the same. I couldn't help but laugh at the noises he made slurping up the pasta.

It's so confusing because I hate him yet also find him attractive.

After the meal we went for a brisk walk. Lighting a fag we began walking down the street.

"God she's so hot"James spoke out of no where.

I snapped my head towards him as his face bashed a deep crimson colour.

I laughed off the situation and looked at the sky as a distraction. The stars glistening in the sky. I suddenly forgot about James and began walking to the nearest field.

When halfway through the field I led down and stared at the sky.

"ERM suz-" James began.

"Lay down" I spoke not taking my eyes off the beautiful sky in front of my eyes.

I felt him lie next to me as his hand grazed mine.

"Ew you touched me" he squeaked

"Ew no you touched me" I mocked him nudging him.

"Suzie? Can I ask you a question?" James spoke in an odd tone.

"You just did but okay yeah sure" I spoke.

"C-can I try some weed?" He spoke timidly.

"Thank fuck you asked I'm craving a joint but didn't know if you'd mind." I sighed in relief taking out my papers and grinder

"Nah, course I wouldn't" he laughed lightly.

I sat up spinning my grinder whilst holding papers underneath the grinder.

Once done I placed the weed into the papers with some baccy mixed in too, making a roach out of the empty paper's packet I had left. Rolling the joint up I sparked the end up. Taking a long drag and passing it to him after.

"What made you ask about weed?" I looked at him and blinked a few times my vision blurring.

"I don't know, just felt in the mood for it to be honest" he chuckled as he took a drag.

"That tastes like shit" he spluttered everywhere. I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"You James Franco are such a pussy" I laughed taking the joint back off him.

"Why's everything like spinning" he asked me.

"Just lay down and look at the sky" I watched him lay down. The weed kicking into his system.

"Shit! I forgot my house keys!" James spoke out of no where.

"Shall I leave you to be homeless for the night then pal?" I shot him a look causing a pout to come out.

"Jess and Dave have gone out so either way you'll have to wait until what... 3-4am" I sighed. Finishing the joint. Then pulling out my miniature bottle of ciroc.

"Can I crash at yours." I turned to face him.

"Ha can you fuck, jog on pal" I laughed standing up. My head spinning at the fast movement causing me to stumble.

"Ahhh fuck" I spoke. The weed taking its toll on me.

"Let's get you home" he spoke wrapping an arm around my waist.

With the state I was in I couldn't say yes or no so I just stumbled along with him.

We got to my dorm door and he took my key out of my hand and unlocked the door.

"Can we do something fun?" I laughed to him. The buzz of the drugs high in my system.

"What did you have in mind?" He stepped closer to me and I took a step back falling on my sofa.

"I'll be right back" I hiccuped and stumbled into my room shutting my door.

I kicked my heels off and attempted to undo my zip, but I couldn't seem to reach.

Oh fuck. What am I going to do. I suppose there's only one thing to do.

"ERM James..." I called from my bedroom.

"Yeah?" He called back his voice getting closer.

"Come in I kinda need your help" I tried to undo my dress again in hopes he wouldn't have to do it.

I began to bend backwards. My cheerleading being a bonus to my flexibility. Just as he walked through the door my head touched the floor. My arms still trying to find my zip.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He laughed at my position causing me to fall flat on my back.

"Can you do my dress zip please" I laughed rolling over. He swiftly undid the zip.

"Wait you aren't wearing a bra?" He questioned.

"You can leave now." I spoke stumbling to my feet.

"Wai-" he began to speak but I cut him off.

"Now." He held his hands up defence and left the room.

I sighed to myself. What is with that guy. I can't stand him. I hope he knows I'm only being nice to him for jess.

I slipped on my huff top that came to my thighs and slipped on some Nike socks.

Tonight is going to be one long night...

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