•Part 9•

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James POV

I watched her chest slowly rise and fall, the strand of hair in her face floating up now and then as she exhaled. My arm firmly around her waist but not too hard that I hurt her.

She looks so fragile, curled up in my arms as the light slowly flashed on her face from the TV in front of us.

I slowly turned the box off and stared at her figure below me.

I never imagined myself in this position. I never imagined seeing her again as much as I had hoped for it there was very little chance. But I am very grateful for it.

I ran my hand through her silk blonde hair causing her to mumble and change her position. I easily but carefully picked her up and carried her to her bed. Feeling like her husband or long term partner I got her into bed and tucked her in. kissing her hand and walking away.

Her hand grabbed mine in a sharp movement and as I turned around, to my surprise she was sat upwards and looking directly at me.

"Please don't go. Stay with me." Her blue eyes looking as pleading as ever and I could see the panic in her eyes at the thought of me leaving. So I stripped to my boxers and nestled in next to her. Taking in her sweet scent of almonds and vanilla; As we drifted to sleep in each others arms.

Suzie's PoV

I slowly stirred feeling two heavy arms around my waist and a slow breathing in my ear. A smile creeping onto my face as I remembered last nights events. I never imagined myself in this situation again with him. I must admit I'm slightly scared to be getting this close to him again but I'm also anxious to see what will become of us.

I tried to wriggle out of the arms clasped around me but I couldn't seem too. He is a hell of a lot stronger than I remember. However, his grasp did finally loosen enabling me to sneak out and make him some breakfast. Blueberry pancakes should do. However, there was one downside to the plan was that the flour was situated on the top shelf and I'm 5'3... so I began to give this flour everything I had got. Which in turn led to the flour falling off the shelf and smacking me on my head the bag exploding everywhere. A scream escaped my lips at the sharp pain on my head. I heard feet scamper across the floor and two masculine arms pick me up and head towards the bed.

I was gently laid down on the plump mattress to be met with James chocolate eyes staring into mine.

"Are you OK? What did you hurt? How many fingers am i holding up? Do you remember me?" All these questions came flying out of his mouth within one sentence and i couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at his panic.

"I'm fine some flour fell on my head chill" I looked at him and laughed. His face spreading out into a grin.

"Well then since you're here" He ran his finger tips along my jawline, inching them closer to my face.

No way is this happening. What am i doing? Wait do i actually want this? Of course I want this! But should he know I want this.

I felt his lips graze mine and an explosion erupted in my stomach, weights lifting off my shoulders and evaporating into midair.

The suddenness of his kiss deepened into one of love and eagerness. Gently pushing me back on the bed he slid his hand around my bare waist under my thin tank top.

I pulled away even though my body was aching for more.

"We should ERM... do something" I coughed awkwardly.

"What did you have in mind?" He looked at me standing up and stretching.

"Not baking." He laughed at my statement referring to my flour accident.

"How about we clean you up?" He smirked at me and threw me over his shoulder. Running me out of my door and out of the hotel leaving a confused best friend stood in the corridor.

"Suzie?" I heard a voice call causing James to stop dead in his tracks.

"Alex?" I spoke looking at my ex boyfriend. Anger seeping out of me within seconds.

"I see you're still slagging about." He spat causing my blood to boil and James to look at me questioning the scene in front of me.

Well this is going to be an interesting fucking story.

"Who's this?" Alex spoke pointing to James.

"I'm James" Alex laughed and looked at me.

"You're back with this dick your 50 different shades of a mug suze. He isn't even that good."

"At least he isn't verbally abusive" I shot back and his eyes hardened along with his posture.

"Babe don't make that abusive" He clenched his fist and laughed at his petty threat.

"Come back when you have the balls to do it" I watched him stomp off knowing this wasn't the end of this argument. I looked at James his eyes full of rage and curiosity.

"Explain. Now." He demanded as I let out a deep breath and began to speak


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