The world could change its heart

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Aphmau's P.o.v

Me and Katelyn get the the amusement park and head to the entrance, so we could actually enter it. We got first in line and we both got a security scam, we came back clean. We enter and get our maps and head in. "So what ride you wanna go on first?" Katelyn asked, I respond "Let's go onto the blockbuster express!"

We head in the direction of the ride and we see so many games and rides along the way.

We get to it, and the line is so long we will probably have to wait about 30 minutes till we get anywhere near the front! Me and Katelyn really want to go on this ride, so we stall time by telling each other jokes and playing eye spy.

We get to the front about 50 minutes later, and we sit in our seats and get buckled up ready to start riding. "Ok passengers, keep your hands and feet in the cart at all times and enjoy the ride!" I'm so excited, and so is Katelyn probably!

3, 2, 1, weee! The ride starts and its super fast, we're almost going the speed of lightning! In look in the distance and I see a sign, in front of a heath unit, it says "the world could change its heart, if it wanted to!" I look at Katelyn and reminded her that she looks beautiful, she smiled and we held hands for the rest of the ride.

A/N: Hey hey everyone! I'm back! I went to school a full month so I've been very busy. Sorry for the short chapter, I didn't really know what to write, so here's a moment of them at the amusement! Anyways, if you like this book make sure to tell your friends and leave a suggestion in the comments for the next lyric "No scars to your beautiful" and I'll see you in the next chapter, buh bye!

BOOK 1: Scars to Your Beautiful [Katelyn x Aphmau]Where stories live. Discover now