The Beginning -1

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*this is an old chapter so to skip the old Magcon based ones, go to Chapter 6*

It was the first day of Magcon Toronto and you were so excited to see the boys, especially Shawn. You have always loved his smile, his humor and his voice since day one. You and him were not to many years apart but, you didnt care. Your car was turning into the parking lot and your mom wished you goodbye. "Have a nice time hun!". You smiled back, heading towards the door of the convention centre. You couldn't believe it was happening. You were finally going to meet the boys of your dreams. Cameron, Jack & Jack, Aaron, Carter, Nash, Matt, Taylor and Shawn. They were all there.

You showed your wristband to the guard that said the bolded letters "VIP". You had bought them not to long ago with a friend, but she cancelled at a late notice. You walked into the rooms which was flooded with girls. They were all screaming and recording the show with their iPhones. You knew this wasnt going to be easy. Trying to make Shawn "yours". Your heart started to beat as Bart walked on stage with Mahogany. She waved and blew kisses to the crowd like a beautiful queen. She was a wonderful person, you could just tell. "Okay,.. first, we have CAAMMEROON DALLLASSS!". Bart preached his name across the room as thousands of girls screamed in the entry of Cameron. You smiled and ran to the front to touch his hand. He winked at you and squeezed your hand. You blushed and took out your phone to see if you could get any selfies with them as they ran by to the stage.

After awhile, Taylor, Aaron and the rest of the boys had came in the room. You were now just waiting for Shawn and Jack Johnson. Your favourites. Shawn. Shawn Mendes. The two words that always got you into a happy mood. Bart spoke again. The doors opened. He came in. You couldn't help but run to the front, pushing other girls to try and catch a photo with him. You hated girls who were like that, but it was Shawn. Who couldn't resist it. He smiled at you but was un able to take a picture. You were disappointed but it was VIP night. You would have any chance with him.

Soon, the gates opened. Bart and the crew members were calling the ticket numbers. Your group was called first. You speed walked to the gates, trying to act cool. You didnt want them thinking you were psycho. The boys were in lines. Cameron's was the longest. You went to Jack Gilinsky's first. He was the most charming in your opinion. He had the beautiful smirk and it just felt like you wanted him to pick you up and twirl you around. It was your turn. You smiled at him and gave him a hug. He asked you how your day was and you responded "Good". He laughed and you asked the girl behind you to take the picture. She said "Of course!" and took like.. 9. He gave you a leaving hug and called you "beautiful". You said thank you and took your phone leaving. "OMG, I CANT BELIEVE HE JUST CALLED ME THAT! OMFG!". The speech shouted in your head. You walked proudly to the next line.

You just ended the line of Cam and he had just given you a kiss on your cheek. Like, werent the boys suppose to reject kisses?.. Oh well, you were lucky you got one. Then you noticed. Shawn was next. OMG!. Your were literally going to die with excitement. You walked in the line, it not being to long. The night was getting long and many of the girls had finished with the night's meet and greet. There were 4 girls in front of you and they had asked you to take their picture. You agreed and they all got together, hugging Shawn. He smiled. Your hand shaked. You took like 11, spamming up her phone. You spoke the word "Done", and the girls let go of Shawn and each said their goodbyes. Now, it was your turn. You were up next and you already bit your lip. He looked into your eyes and smiled. He hugged you tighter then ever and began speaking to you. You replied and then he said "Your really pretty!" You were speechless. You smiled and replied saying thank you. You continued talking and then he spoke again. "Any other poses?" he said. You shrugged your shoulders.He looked to the ground and hugged you again. This time, he kissed you on the cheek. Your face beamed red and a smile appeared big and strong. Your phone flashed. The Picture was token. You let go of him and he again spoke. "Thanks for coming, Y/N". "Anytime, for you". You smirked. He bent down to the table and go out his marker. He wrote on your T-shirt " (number here) Call Me!". You then felt like you belonged.

The event ended for the night and you were tired. You left to go to your hotel, as you knew your mom would already be asleep. "GIVE IT HERE, OMY GUYS!" screamed from across the hall. You beamed up your head and there they were, the boys. Arguing over a phone. You laughed as you walked by getting Hello's and Hi's from them. "ZAAAYUMM" spoke from Cameron's mouth. You turned around again and laughed. Shawn then looked at Cam and said "I got it." You heard what he said. You turned around once again. "Thanks for earlier on Shawn". He froze. "Actually... why dont you come join us?". He smiled at you. You nodded your head and ran towards them as Taylor laughed and ran up to the front. It was your dream come true.

You ended up reaching Jack & Jack's room which they were sharing and where they had all decided to hang out for the night. Alot of them were going to the hotel's swimming pool, but Shawn and Aaron didnt bring their bathing suits. Shawn had brought his guitar, Aaron was on his laptop and Mahogany had went to bed early. "Know any songs Y/N?" He asked you. "I know alot of Ed Sheeran" you responded. He stopped. Looked you in the eyes and spoke. "You are so beautiful and I... just wanted to know if... we could hang out more." he smiled at you. You were speechless. You grabbed his hand and began hugging him. Shawn then held you tighter, gripping your lips and kissing you. It had began.

It was like a Twilight make-out session. One time he was a stranger, the next he wasnt. Aaron wasnt even paying attention.. (Thank God). You and him were both gripping onto each other and imagine, if that guard came in, you'd be screwed. What about your mom? What about the boys coming in? It didnt matter. This session was more important. He gripped on your back, flipping you over. He kissed you intensely and it felt like heaven. Screw Aaron watching, this was more important. It felt like magic.

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