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Firefighters are true heroes who go above and beyond to ensure the safety of their citizens. The job is not only noble, but it is highly coveted. Being a firefighter is not an easy job, we have to work day and night and rarely sleep while on call, we see horrible things everyday, people die and houses burn to the ground but we don't stop, being a firefighter is a way of life, it's my way of life.

At an early age I knew what I wanted to do with my life. My father was a police officer with NYPD, he had always wanted me to follow in his footsteps but I wanted to become a firefighter. The training was grueling, I had to go through tons of class for firefighting, Emt and even paramedic but I did and at the age of 18 I became a volunteer firefighter. It wasn't until I turned 21 when I went to full time.

As a full time firefighter, I rarely had time to date but I managed to meet a great girl and an year later she gave birth to my beautiful daughter Alexa. At the age of 1, her mother passed away in a car accident and I had to adjust to being a single parent and it was difficult but I wouldn't change a thing.

At the age of 25 I was promoted to Lieutenant, all of my hard work had paid off. Having the responsibilty and higher postion meant more time away from home and Alexa. Alexa is my baby and my life. Since losing her Mother I've had to take over the roll as Mother and Father on top of my responsibilties at work. Everyone would tell me "Oh, you can handle it, Dont worry", they were dead wrong. I do nothing but worry everyday that i'm at work, risking my life while my daughter is at home being raised by her grandparents 80% of the time. Today was one of those day, where all I wanted to do is go home and cuddle my babygirl.

"Finn? Are you okay man?" Rick asked me on our way to a call. Looking over at him, I smiled.

"Yeah man, Just thinking about Alexa" I told him. Rick Morrison was my right hand man and my best friend. He's one of the guys I go to when something is bothering me.

"Dont worry man, get in and get out. You will be home to her in no time" He said right as the truck came to a stop. I didn't respond back because I had a feeling it wouldn't be that easy.


"Daddy, I love you. Please come home safe tonight" I was listening to the voicemail my daughter had left me when, Luke, my Chief, walked into the sleeping quarters.

"Hey man, you okay?" Luke asked and sat down on the bed across from me.

"Yeah, I just hate being away from Alexa all the time" I told him as I put my phone away.

"How old is she now?" He asked

"She's just turned three, every night I worry if I'm going to come back home man. I worry about my daughter not having her father anymore. How do you do it?" I asked him.

"Finn, it's never easy. I hate leaving my wife and kids at home, especially when they always hear about the fires. Does this have to do with Rick? You know it wasn't your fault." Luke told me. It was about Rick, he was my partner. I was suppose to protect him and his mistake almost cost me my life.

"Yeah, he made a mistake and it cost him his life and almost mine last night. Noone gets left behind, its our brotherhood and I couldn't get to him so I backed out. He died and I lived. So yes this has everything to do with him." I have been a firefighter for ten years, I have lost and saved many lives but last night was the first time I lost a partner.

"Finn, it wasn't your fault, the roof caved in. In our line of work, we try our best to save everyone and sometimes you can't save them all. We all lost a brother last night. Go home Finn, go see your daughter. I think that's what you need right now" I was just about to pack up when the alarm went off. Running to the truck and pulling my gear on I hoped into the truck.

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